
ConvertSDK to XCFramework and add to project package

tylerlantern opened this issue · 0 comments

I converted the EstimoteSDK.framework in to XCFramework by this library xcframework-maker
It went well with your iOS-Proximity-SDK. I was able to proximity-sdk xcframework to my project.
But for EstimoteSDK.framework it does not work i got an errors
Screenshot 2023-06-29 at 15 58 51
Here is below what my Package.swift look like

let package = Package(
  name: "TryoutFleet",
  defaultLocalization: "en",
  platforms: [.iOS(.v14), .macOS(.v10_15)],
  products: [
    .library(name: "AppFeature", targets: ["AppFeature"]),
    .library(name: "EstimoteFleetManagementClient", targets: ["EstimoteFleetManagementClient"]),
    .library(name: "EstimoteFleetManagementClientLive", targets: ["EstimoteFleetManagementClientLive"])
  dependencies: [
      url: "",
      from: "0.55.0"
  targets: [
      name: "AppFeature",
      dependencies: [
        .product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture"),
      name: "EstimoteFleetManagementClient",
      dependencies: [
        .product(name: "ComposableArchitecture", package: "swift-composable-architecture")
      name: "EstimoteFleetManagementClientLive",
      dependencies: [
//        "EstimoteFleetManagementSDK",
//        "EstimoteBluetoothScanning"
      name: "EstimoteFleetManagementSDK",
      path: "Frameworks/EstimoteFleetManagementSDK.xcframework"
      name: "EstimoteSDK",
      path: "Frameworks/EstimoteSDK.xcframework"
      name: "EstimoteBluetoothScanning",
      path: "Frameworks/EstimoteBluetoothScanning.xcframework"