
Monitoring iOS 11 didDetermineState never call

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Basic information

Estimote iOS SDK version: 4.27.0
iOS version(s) affected: 11.3.1
Estimote device hardware version: D3.4
Estimote device firmware version: 3.2.0

Additional information

Please read the checklist and place x sign where apropriate for your use case.

  • My beacons have Estimote Monitoring enabled (check it in the Estimote Cloud, or via app).
  • My iOS device/devices supports BLE (iOS must be 5.0 or higher).
  • My iOS device/devices have Bluetooth enabled.
  • My app has NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription in its Info.plist file.
  • My app has Location Permissions granted.
  • My app has NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription and NSLocationAlwaysAndWhenInUseUsageDescription keys in its Info.plist file.
  • My app has NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription or NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription in its Info.plist file.
  • If my app is supporting iOS 10 and earlier, and has NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription key in its Info.plist file.
  • If my app has to run in the background, it has UIBackgroundModes key with value bluetooth-central in its Info.plist file.


The app I develop is working very well before iOS 11 update and a new XCode rebuild.
I had to rebuild my TestFlight version app because the certificate was expired, without changing any lines of code.
When I try the new build in iOS 11 devices, it never "interact" with beacons events (didDetermineState, didEnter and didExitRegion never called).
If I try the same build in my iPad with iOS 10 it works fine.

What can I do to solve this issue?