
O2-JAM Singleplayer Server

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT



O2Jam Singleplayer Server version based on X3JAM

Current status

This singleplayer server software already stable enough because it's easy to make than X3JAM
because this only contain necesarry packets to handle singleplayer.

How to run the software

  • You need copy of O2-JAM 1.8 (You can get one from O2-JAM Interval)
  • Place X3Solo in game directory
  • Run X3Solo and click Start Game

Building the software

There already pre-build binaries for this software in Github Releases or in O2-JAM Interval Discord Server

But if you want build the software from the source code here how:


  • .NET 5 SDK
  • Visual Studio 2019


Currently only providing build through Visual Studio Solution.

  • Open solution file .sln using Visual Studio
  • Select Estrol.X3Solo
  • Press Build


This software licensed under MIT License.

This software using the code from the following repository to work