
Primary LanguageMakefile

Little game creator, DS-OOP Course project;
Done by 109550185, 李佳駿



Running these command on terminal to play game! (on OS X)

cd <build directory>


  • Customizability: Dungeon is techically not a game, but a game creator, create games by reading a JSON file, providing extreme flexibility and inifinte possibilities;

    • To customize your own game, modify res/game.json in correct syntax and create your own map in Tiled.
  • Save: Press B to save the game in save.json, the program will read the save.json file as its game rather than res/game.json when save.json exists;

  • Move: use WASD to move;

  • Attack: attacking and being attacked;

    player attacking monster

    • Press J to attack enemy or npc;
    • enemy attacks player when player get closed to them. after every attacks, terminal will display the current status of player ( hp and armor );
  • Dialog: conversation from npc or getting notice of winning game or getting item;dialog showing up

  • Treasures: player can get items in these chest box by getting close to them;

    Treasure box

  • Portals: player steping in these tunnels will be teleported to other rooms;portal

  • Status: show status by pressing P status


Library used for the project:

  • **nlohmann/json **: json processor for file reading and file saving;
  • SFML : Simple and Fast Multimedia Library, the library that used for graphics for this project, compiling SFML is recommended before development due to version and compiler compatibility;

Runtime dependencies

There's two type of runtime dependencies, assets and game files.

  • Assets: game assets include image of map tile, player, monster, npc, as well as the file defined the map; missing ANY of them may cause the game to CRASH;
  • Game file: res/game.json or save.json missing both of them or havinig invalid syntax will cause the game to CRASH;

Game.json syntax

Creating game for Dungeon have to follow the correct syntax:

    <attributes of player>
    <room>, <room>, ...
    <item>, <item>, ...

attribute of player:

Attribute Explanation
room current room that player at
x Position
y position
hp health point
armor damage player taken will be reduced by armor
attack_speed maximum attack amount of a second
inventory array of integer index of items


Attribute Explanation
map String, path to Tiled defined map in json format
walls array of wall
treasures array of treasure
npc array of npc
monsters array of monster
portals array of portal

sub-objects of room:

Objects Attribute
wall x, y, width, height
treasure x, y, width, height, item(array of item index)
npc x, y, conversation(string)
portal x, y, to(index of destination room), to_x(inital_position on destination room), to_y(inital_position on destination room)
monster x, y, damage, armor, hp, attack_speed(attack per second)


Attribute Explanation
name String
damage buff(positive integer) or debuff(negative) on player
armor same as above


Dungeon uses Cmake to generate makefile for compiling, thereotically the program is cross-platform, but it is solely tested on OS X.

Project Structure

This project is using MVC structure, spliting model, view, controller while model handling data and files, view controlling graphic, controller is the heart of the program.

/res store all the resourse includinig assets and game file.

Class functionalilty

  • controller : heart of the program
  • view/view : handle all rendering job
  • view/sprite_loader : providing sprite and animator for view
  • view/animator : animation controller, defined in view/sprite_loader.h
  • node/character : abstract parent class for player, monster and npc
  • node/player : player class extends character
  • node/monster : enemy class extends character
  • node/npc : npc class extends character
  • node/portal : portal class that teleport player
  • node/treasure : treasure class that contains item
  • node/room : room class, contains list of player, enemy, npc, portal, treasure
  • service/game_loader : load the game from res/game.json or save.json
  • service/game_saver : save the game to save.json
  • dto : data transfer object, a singleton
  • input_reader : read keyboard input

####Other files

  • const.h : defined constants
  • util.hpp : defined some utility struct and lambda function
  • event : defined event struct and its child struct, which are polymorphic

Possible Future Feature

If i have time (mostly not), i will probrably finished features listed below:

  • Boss
  • Abilities
  • Customized Inventory
  • Etc


hw_dungeon: Github repository, welcome PR from anyone.