Crypto Observer

This is a cryptocurrency app programmed using streamlit library that observes the price of cryptocurrency in real time.

Data Scource: CoinMarketCap.

Credit: Web scraper adapted from the Medium article Web Scraping Crypto Prices With Python written by Bryan Feng.


  1. Activate your virtual environment (What is virtual environment?.)
  2. Make sure you use pip version 20.3.3 (if not, type thin into your terminal: "sudo pip install --update pip")
  3. Pip / Pip3 install streamlit pandas matplotlib bs4 requests
  4. Import all of those libraries on your
  5. To open the webpage type this in your terminal: "streamlit run
Last but not least, for new programmers, please don't just copy paste everything. Read and try to understand what each line of code is doing by reading my comments and read the actual documentation on the official webpage.

Happy grinding!