COVID19 Tracker

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About Flipr

Flipr brings forth holistic solutions that will enable individuals to reach the next step in their career with confidence. They not only bring forth opportunities, but also help individuals identify skill gaps and enable them to fix those gaps. They plan to connect high skilled developers with relevant projects, ensuring on-time delivery to the client companies and assist in quality hiring and talent acquisition. They aim to create synergy between exceptional opportunities and worthy talents advancing towards a more creative and progressive ecosystem. They are transforming the perception of India, representing it as a product-based country from a service-based country on a global platform branding it as a world leader.


Crisis Response and Healthcare

Every country needs a contingency plan to preempt and manage disasters, like the one which currently hinders our lives. Come up with solutions using your technical know-how, some effective and practical Crisis Response Plans and innovations which countries can arm themselves with to thwart devastation.

Problem Statement


Create a website for the COVID-19. The website will be going to include the following information:

  1. Contact & Helpline Information
  2. Notification & Advisory from the government Information.
  3. Hospital Dashboard
  4. Comparison of daily sample tests and confirmed cases of the patients.

Task in Details

  1. Contact & Helpline Information: Using the below API, fetch the contact helpline number information for all the States and Union Territories. API URL: Please show data in the table form for all the States and Union Territories available in the API.
  2. Notifications & advisories: Using the below API fetch the notification and advisories information. API URL: Please show data in the table form for all the notification & advisories available in the API.
  3. Hospitals Dashboards:

A. Hospitals & beds: Using the below API fetch the rural and urban hospitals & beds information for all the states and Union Territories. API URL: Please show data in the table form for all the States and Union Territories available in the API.

B. Medical Colleges & beds: Using the below API fetch the rural and urban hospitals & beds information for all the states and Union Territories. API URL: Please show data in the table form for all the States and Union Territories available in the API.

  1. Plot a graph for the Deceased person

    • Upload data given to database
    • Create an API which includes the data points “patient id, reported on, age estimate, gender, state, status”.
    • Through the API, plot a graph for the Deceased person.
    • Also, include the filter of State, Gender, Age Groups and Date Range.
    • Give the download button, to download the graph in pdf format.
    • Give the text bar where the user can enter the mailing address and can also send the graph pdf on click.



Home Page

Deceased Info

Deceased Info Page

Know More

Know More Page


Feel free to open an issue (or even better, send a Pull Request) for making it even better. Contributions are always welcomed!! 😄

Note that a PR needs to reach a certain level of engagement before it gets merged. This criteria is kept to maintain the quality of this list. The current list of open PRs can be found here:

As this project is community-driven, it'd be really helpful if you write about your PR and the changes you have done. This would help in merging it faster. 😇

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