
An Empirical Study on the Robustness of the Segment Anything Model (SAM)

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An Empirical Study on the Robustness of the Segment Anything Model (SAM)

This repository contains open-source SAM implementation code, datasets (sample images), code to generate perturbed images, sample experimental results, and code for results analysis.


Nine datasets are chosen that span across distinct imaging conditions and pose various segmentation challenges. The Remote Sensing and Geographical category comprises datasets with aerial and satellite imagery, which present hurdles such as diverse resolutions, intricate patterns, and large-scale structures that need to be processed. Medical Imaging datasets, featuring ultrasound and X-ray modalities, often grapple with issues like noise, artifacts, and fluctuating contrasts. The Environment and Natural Phenomena category encompass datasets with a multitude of dynamic elements, such as fish schools with overlapping shapes and fire spread with irregular boundaries, requiring the model to adapt to varying shapes and textures. Finally, the Structural and Human Motion category incorporates datasets with detailed structures like cracks and the intricate motion patterns of human dance, necessitating high precision and the ability to capture subtle nuances. The following table presents an overview of the datasets used in our experiments, all of which have binary mask ground truth annotations.

Category Dataset Modality Num. Images
Remote Sensing and Geographical Forest Aerial Aerial 5,108
Water Bodies Satellite 2,841
Road Extraction Satellite 8,570
Medical Imaging Breast Ultrasound Ultrasound 780
Chest X-Ray X-Ray 18,479
Environment and Natural Phenomena Fish RGB 9,000
Fire RGB 110
Structural and Human Motion Analysis Crack RGB 11,200
TikTok Dancing RGB 100,000

The following figure shows representative raw images along with their corresponding ground truth masks for each dataset.


For sample images of each dataset, refer to "./Sample_Images".

Prompting Methods

We employ three major types of prompting methods for SAM: point, box, and a combination of both. These methods guide the model in its segmentation task by providing varying levels of information about the target object. For point prompting, we explore two variants: single-point and multiple-point. The choice between them depends on both the dataset and the complexity of the object being segmented. The following figure illustrates examples of the three major types of prompting, showing the raw image, ground truth mask, point, box, and the combination of point and box prompts for two representative image samples.


Perturbation Types

We evaluate the robustness of SAM by considering fifteen image perturbations, each chosen for their frequent occurrence in real-world imaging scenarios, categorized into six distinct groups. The following table provides an overview of different perturbations and parameters used for experiments. Here, OG, IC, ENV, and CMP stand for Optical and Geometric, Illumination and Color, Environmental, and Compression, respectively.

Category Perturbation Abbreviation Parameters
Noise Gaussian Noise GN mean=0, std.=30
Shot Noise SN intensity=0.1
Salt & Pepper Noise SPN prob=0.04
Blur Gaussian Blur GB kernel size=15
Motion Blur MB kernel size=20
Defocus Blur DB kernel size=25, sigma_x=sigma_y=8
OG Chromatic Aberration CA shift_x= shift_y=15
Elastic Transform ET alpha=100, sigma=10
Radial Distortion RD k1=-0.5, k2=0.05, k3=p1=p2=0
IC Brightness BRT factor=1.5
Saturation SAT coefficient=0.5
Contrast CON factor=2
ENV Snow SNOW coefficient=0.3
Fog FOG intensity=0.5
CMP JPEG Compression COM quality=15

The figure illustrates the perturbations:


For sample perturbation images of each dataset, refer to "./Sample_Images". For code to generate perturbations, refer to "./Utils".

Experimental Results

The sample experimental results for each dataset (10 images for each) can be found in "./Sample_Results". The code for result analysis can be found in "./Utils".

Please refer to our full paper for more details.


If you find this work helpful, please consider citing as follows:

  title={An empirical study on the robustness of the segment anything model (sam)},
  author={Wang, Yuqing and Zhao, Yun and Petzold, Linda},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2305.06422},