
My implementation of the Israeli Ministry of Education's Generic Collections interface as described in their website.

Primary LanguageC#



My implementation of the Israeli Ministry of Education's Generic Collections interface as described in their website.
The website: http://cms.education.gov.il/NR/rdonlyres/0E091CFA-8E73-4C24-96A7-0A6D23E571EA/189697/resource_849760831.pdf
The interface as described in Hila Kadman's website: http://blog.csit.org.il/UpLoad/FilesUpload/unit4CSIntefaces.pdf

It was extremely important for me to open source this library in order to help students who are going to be tested on these dummy (Sorry, but it's true) generic structures.

Just Using



Coming Soon


Coming Soon


I hope the Israeli Ministry of Education will update its materials in Computer Science, and maybe this library will stimulate it to esablish its own Open Source git repositories.

In my opinion students need to learn important guidelines in software engineering, which are not learnt in high-schools today, and a dummy generic collections interface that was created by the Minisrty is not one of them. When I see students who got A+ in the Bagrut exams, I'm not sure if they really know how to code, or even the meaning of code.

Testing a code, managing its architecture or using git are extemely important skills that the Ministry should include in its syllabus.