
OpenCL wrapper

Primary LanguageC++


OpenCL wrapper to abstract away the openCL functions


In order to install mayCL, use the following code

git clone https://github.com/EthanHofton/mayCL.git
cd mayCL

This will create a static libary, libmayCL.a, in mayCL/lib/static/. To use in your program, link to mayCL/lib/static/libmayCL.a and also add the include search path mayCL/include to your project


Example Code:

#include <mayCL/mayCL.hpp>
#include <iostream>

#define DATA_LENGTH 5
#define DATA_SIZE (DATA_LENGTH*sizeof(float))

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // initalize the data
    float data[DATA_LENGTH] = {0.00f, 0.25f, 0.50f, 0.75f, 1.00f};

    // display data before
    std::cout << "data before:" << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_LENGTH; i++)
        std::cout << data[i] << std::endl;

    // create device, context, queue and buffer
    mayCL::Device device(mayCL::chooseDeviceID());
    mayCL::Context context(device);
    mayCL::CommandQueue queue(context, device);
    mayCL::Buffer mem(context, CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, DATA_SIZE);

    // create kernel
    auto k = mayCL::getKernelNames("main.clcpp");
    mayCL::Program program(context, "main.clcpp");
    mayCL::Kernel kernel(program, k[0]);

    // write data to buffer
    mem.bufferWrite(queue, (void*)data);

    // set kenerl arg
    kernel.setArg(0, mem);

    // add kernel to queue
    kernel.enqueue(queue, 1, {DATA_LENGTH, 0, 0}, {DATA_LENGTH, 0, 0});

    // read data from buffer

    // wait for tasks to finish before contuning with the program

    // read the return data as a list of floats from the buffer
    float *returnData = mem.getBufferDataAs<float>();

    // display returned data
    std::cout << "data after:" << std::endl;
    for (int i = 0; i < DATA_LENGTH; i++)
        std::cout << returnData[i] << std::endl;

    return 0;

The example code above creates a list of float to be processed. Next it chooses a divice from a list of avalible devices and uses the chosen device to create a context with. The program then creates a comman queue. This is a queue of OpenCL commands to be executed on. The program then creates a memory buffer. This buffer contains the memory to be processes. We then create a a program and a kernel from that program. This kenrel is to be run for each element in the data. We then queue a memroy write which writes the data from the origonal data list into the memory buffer, then queue the kenrel program to be run. After this we queue a buffer read. this reads back the data from the buffer into a void*. we then get back the data from the memory buffer and display.


The device class stores a cl_device_id. The contructor takes in a cl_device_id. This can be provided using the native openCL functions or the device id can be found using the helper functions, chooseDeviceID() and chooseDeviceID(unsigned int t_index).

chooseDeviceID() will display a list of devices in the console and wait for the user to input which device they would like to select. The function returns the seleted cl_device_id.

chooseDeviceID(unsigned int t_index) returns the cl_device_id at the index t_index from the list of devlices that would be displayed from chooseDeviceID().

The Device class has memeber functions:

  • cl_device_id& getDeviceId(). This returns the cl_device_id


The context class stores a cl_context. The constructor takes in either a Device or Device **. If the user provides just a single Device, the class will create a cl_context with a single device attached. if the user provided a Device **, the program will create a cl_context using the list of devices. Note the Deivce ** is a list of Device *.

The context class has member functions:

  • cl_context &getContext(). This reutnrs the cl_context


The buffer class stores a cl_mem. The contructor takes in a Context, cl_mem_flags and unsigned int. cl_mem_flags descbies if the memory is to be read, write or read/write. (See more here)[https://www.khronos.org/registry/OpenCL/sdk/2.2/docs/man/html/cl_mem_flags.html]. The unsigned int is the size of the memory buffer in bytes.

The buffer mas member functions:

  • void bufferWrite(CommandQueue t_queue, void *t_writeData). This queues a buffer write command on the command queue usning the given data t_writeData
  • void bufferRead(CommandQueue t_queue). This queues a buffer read command on the command queue. The data gets read into the Buffer class and can be retreved using one of the getBufferData() functions
  • template<typename T> T* getBufferDataAs(). This returns the buffer data as a type T*
  • void* getBufferData(). This returns the buffer data as void*
  • unsigned int getDataSize(). This returns the size in bytes of the buffer
  • cl_mem& getBuffer(). This returns the cl_mem instnace.


The command queue class stores the cl_command_queue. The constructor takes a Context and Device.

The CommandQueue memeber functions are:

  • void wait(). This waits for the event queue to finish before continuing with the program
  • cl_command_queue &getQueue(). This returns the cl_command_queue.


The program class stores the cl_program. The constructor takes in the Context and std::string t_kernelFileName. The kernel file should be located in a folder called kernels/ relative to the directorty where the final program will be run.

The Program member functions are:

  • cl_program &getProgram(). This returns the cl_program


The Kenrel program stores the cl_kenrel. The constructor takes in the Program and std::string t_kernelName. The t_kenelName should be the name of the kenel in the program source.

The kenrel memeber functions are:

  • void setArg(unsigned int t_argIndex, Buffer &t_argVal). This specifies an individual argument for the kernel function to run.
  • void enqueue(CommandQueue &t_queue, unsigned int t_workDim, glm::vec3 t_globalDim, glm::vec3 t_localDim). This function is what is used to add the kernel to the event queue. t_queue is the queue the kernel should be added too. t_workDim is the number of dimentions the work group has. t_globalDim and t_localDim describe how the parralisism will work. t_globalDim describe how many work items there will be and t_localDim is how many work items will be in the work groups.
  • cl_kernel& getKernel(). This function returns the cl_kenrel.

Support functions

The libary has a few support functions. They are as follows:

  • cl_device_id chooseDeviceID(). Described above in Device
  • cl_device_id chooseDeviceID(unsigned int t_index). Described above in Device
  • std::string getKernelSource(std::string filepath). Returns the data in the file specified from the kernels/ directory
  • std::vector<std::string> getKernelNames(std::string filepath). Returns all the kenrel names in the specified file (from the kernels/ directory)