This is the repo containing all the awesomeness that is the mjolnir brushless flywheeler.
It's currently in an alpha/beta state. Use at your own risk!
Licensing and Production Cross-Rough-Atlantic-Projects are all licensed under CC-BY-SA-NC https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/
These projects have come to fruition due to the donation of code from a mix of our work and Airzone's free code.
You have permission to print as many as you like for yourself, and remix the files in any way you like, but you CANNOT sell files or prints without permission or coming to an agreement.
These files are very much in beta - things will be out of date or even flat out wrong. Feel free to add corrections.
We hope you'll enjoy it and please consider donating a dollar or two towards the project fond - We are kinda low after our 4 month PLA bender
Kind regards from Ben, Thor and the rest of the C.R.A.P team.
Hi to Kiwi
Shameless donation link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/projectmjolnir