
Monophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) demo.

Primary LanguageMATLAB




Monophonic Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) demo.

Using adaptive filter theory, find a filter w, according to input signals(reference signal x and desired signal d), that minimises (d - w * x),

where d = x * w0 + r, r is Gaussian white noise and "*" denotes convolution operation

These AEC functions are copied and modified from Behrouz Farhang-Boroujeny (2013) Adaptive Filters:Theory and Applications 2nd Edition

Software Architecture

AECtest.m calls 5 AEC functions, namely:

  1. VSNLMS: Variable Step-size Nomalized LMS algorithm
  2. VSNLMSNt: Variable Step-size Nomalized LMS-Newton algorithm
  3. VSAPLMS: Variable Step-size Affine Projection LMS algorithm
  4. VSNPFBLMS: Variable Step-size Nomalized Partitioned Frequency-domain/Fast Block LMS algorithm
  5. SbLMS: Subband LMS algorithm

And, PFBfilter and SbFilter is the operation on x to create best-estimated d_hat using learned filter w.


  1. Clone the entire folder to Matlab's running path
  2. Run AECtest.m


  1. Run AECtest.m and check the results
  2. Try changing algorithm options and check different algorithm's effect
  3. Try changing inputs (reference signal x and echo filter w0 ) and check the results