DeepClean, take 3

Here's a restructure of DeepClean intended for at least a few purposes:

  • Taking advantage of lightning during training for faster, more modular, and simpler training code
  • Containerizing DeepClean projects for easier uptake by new users
  • Serving as a proof of concept and sandbox for a law-based workflow with custom configs
  • Serving as a proof of concept for use of a centralized toolbox containing standard ML4GW libraries and code-styling configs
  • Generalizing many of the components of DeepClean for easier experimentation with new architectures and for target new frequency bands with the couplings submodule of the pipeline library

I'll expand more on these when I have time, but for now I'll add a couple instructions to get started with training.

Run instructions

Environment setup

| TODO: data authentication instructions


pip instructions: not recommended

You can install the local library via pip:

python -m pip install -e .
poetry instructions: recommended

However, I'd recommend using some sort of virtualization software. This repo is automatically compatible with poetry, my personal favorite. In that case, you would just need to do

poetry install

Directory setup

Set up a local directory to save container images that we'll export as DEEPCLEAN_CONTAINER_ROOT. IMPORTANT: This directory should not live locally with the rest of this code. Apptainer has no syntax for excluding files from being added into containers at build time, so if you save your (often GB-sized) containers here, you'll make building the next container enormously more painful. This means that you'll need to build your images on every filesystem (not node) that you intend to run on. In the future, we'll make these containers available on /cvmfs via the Open Science Grid, but for now you'll need to build them.

# or wherever you want to save this
export DEEPCLEAN_CONTAINER_ROOT=~/images/deepclean

Finally make a directory to save our data and run outputs

export DATA_DIR=~/deepclean/data
mkdir -p $DATA_DIR

export RESULTS_DIR=~/deepclean/results
mkdir -p $RESULTS_DIR

Dataset generation

I don't have this built into a law.Task yet, so you'll have to run this one manually. Start by building the container

cd projects/data
apptainer build $DEEPCLEAN_CONTAINER_ROOT/data.sif apptainer.def
cd -

Then you can query segments containing usable data via

apptainer run $DEEPCLEAN_CONTAINER_ROOT/data.sif \
    python /opt/deepclean/projects/data/data --config /opt/deepclean/projects/data/config.yaml \
        query --output-file $DATA_DIR/segments.txt

Then select some segment times from the output text file and run (for example)

apptainer run $DEEPCLEAN_CONTAINER_ROOT/data.sif \
    python /opt/deepclean/projects/data/data --config /opt/deepclean/projects/data/config.yaml \
        fetch --output-directory $DATA_DIR --start 1250916945 --end 1250951947

Making changes to the code

Once these tools are moved into the deepclean pipeline this will be done automatically, but for now if you make any local changes to the code, be sure to add the --bind .:/opt/deepclean flag after apptainer run in the commands above so that you changes are reflected in the container.


Once you've generated your training data, you're ready to train! Start by building your training container image

cd projects/train
apptainer build $DEEPCLEAN_CONTAINER_ROOT/train.sif apptainer.def
cd -

Find a node with some decently-sized GPUs, ensure that the one you want isn't being used, and then run (assuming you built this library with poetry):

export GPU_INDEX=0  # or whichever you want
poetry run law run deepclean.tasks.Train  \
    --image train.sif \
    --gpus $GPU_INDEX \
    --data-fname $DATA_DIR/deepclean-1250916945-35002.hdf5 \
    --output-dir $RESULTS_DIR/my-first-run