
Types and utilities for associating units (dimensions) to quantities.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Types and utilities for associating units (dimensions) to quantities. The primary use case for Unitopia is applications that deal with like measurements in possibly non-homogenous units. For example, an application that allows the user to switch between pounds and kilograms, or tasks that can be measured in days or weeks.

What it provides:

  • Type safety for working with dimensional values, making it more difficult to accidentally compare or perform arithmetic on dissimilar units.
  • Ergonomic unit conversion & normalization.
  • Serialization and deserialization to JSON.
  • Zero dependencies.

Currently available dimensions:

  • Length
  • Mass (weight)
  • Time

Coming soon:

  • Money (currency)
  • Power (Watt)
  • Current (Ampere)
  • Voltage (Volt)

Coming not-so-soon:

  • Support for derived units & dimensional analysis


Creating Quantities

To create a quantity object, simply import the appropriate class and use the appropriate static method:

import { Mass } from 'unitopia'

const m1 = Mass.Pounds(100)
const m2 = Mass.Kilograms(22)

The type of m1 will be Mass<'Pound'>, tye type of m2 will be Mass<'Kilogram'>. You can also use the Mass constructor but (currently) it won't be typed to the specific unit:

const m3 = new Mass(2, 'Short Ton')

The type of m3 will be Mass<'Kilogram' | 'Milligram' | 'Gram' | 'Short Ton' |...>. For this reason, it's preferred to use the convenience constructors illustrated above.

Serializing Quantities

Quantities can be serialized directly with JSON.stringify:

JSON.stringify(m1) // {"dimension":"Mass","unit":"Pound","value":100}

Deserializing Quantities

Deserialize with the parse or tryParse methods, which can accept either an object or a string (which will be parsed from JSON):

try {
  const m = Mass.parse({ dimension: 'Mass', unit: 'Gram', value: 100 })
} catch (err) {
  console.error('parsing error:', err.message)
const res = Mass.tryParse({ dimension: 'Mass', unit: 'Gram', value: 100 })
if ('error' in res) console.error('parsing error:', err.message)
else console.log(res.mass)

Unit Conversion

Simply call the static convert method and specify the desired unit:

import { Length } from 'unitopia'
const h1 = Length.Inches(71)
const h2 = Length.convert(h1, 'Centimeter') // h2.value is 180.34000000072135

Unit Array Normalization

To normalize an array of possibly nonhomogeneous values, call the static normalize method:

const lengths = [Length.Inches(71), Length.Meters(0.5), Length.Feet(2.5)]
const lengths_in_cm = Length.normalize(length, 'Centimeter')
