Tools and PoCs for Windows syscall investigation.
This directory is for Heaven's Gate technique. See
This tool is to dump Windows syscall from ntdll.dll
or win32u.dll
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -h
SyscallDumper - Tool to dump syscall.
Usage: SyscallDumper.exe [Options] [INPUT_DLL_1] [INPUT_DLL_2]
-h, --help : Displays this help message.
-d, --dump : Flag to dump syscall from ntdll.dll or win32u.dll.
-D, --diff : Flag to take diff between 2 dlls.
-f, --format : Specifies output format. "c" for C/C++, "cs" for CSharp, "py" for Python.
-n, --number : Specifies syscall number to lookup in decimal or hex format.
-o, --output : Specifies output file (e.g. "-o result.txt").
-s, --search : Specifies search filter (e.g. "-s createfile").
INPUT_DLL_1 : Specifies path of ntdll.dll or win32u.dll. Older one in diffing.
INPUT_DLL_2 : Specifies path of ntdll.dll or win32u.dll. Newer one in diffing.
To dump syscall numbers from ntdll.dll or win32u.dll, use -d
) option.
If you don't specifies source DLL, this tool dumps syscall numbers from C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll
and C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d
[*] No target is specified.
[>] Dumping from system default ntdll.dll and win32u.dll.
[>] Loading C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll.
[+] C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 463 syscall(s).
[>] Loading C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll.
[+] C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : win32u.dll
[+] Got 1258 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll]
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtAcceptConnectPort | 2 | 0x0002 |
| NtAccessCheck | 0 | 0x0000 |
| NtWriteVirtualMemory | 58 | 0x003A |
| NtYieldExecution | 70 | 0x0046 |
[*] Found 463 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll]
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtBindCompositionSurface | 4373 | 0x1115 |
| NtCloseCompositionInputSink | 4374 | 0x1116 |
| NtValidateCompositionSurfaceHandle | 5350 | 0x14E6 |
| NtVisualCaptureBits | 5351 | 0x14E7 |
[*] Found 1258 syscall(s).
If you want to filter syscall name from dump result, use -s
) option.
And you can save result to a file with -o
) option as follows:
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d C:\SyscallSamples\1809x64\ntdll.dll -s token -o result.txt
[>] Loading C:\SyscallSamples\1809x64\ntdll.dll.
[+] C:\SyscallSamples\1809x64\ntdll.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 462 syscall(s).
[>] Trying to save results.
[*] Output File Path : c:\Tools\result.txt
[+] Results are saved successfully.
c:\Tools>type result.txt
[Syscall Table from C:\SyscallSamples\1809x64\ntdll.dll]
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtAdjustGroupsToken | 107 | 0x006B |
| NtAdjustPrivilegesToken | 65 | 0x0041 |
| NtAdjustTokenClaimsAndDeviceGroups | 108 | 0x006C |
| NtCompareTokens | 155 | 0x009B |
| NtCreateLowBoxToken | 172 | 0x00AC |
| NtCreateToken | 191 | 0x00BF |
| NtCreateTokenEx | 192 | 0x00C0 |
| NtDuplicateToken | 66 | 0x0042 |
| NtFilterToken | 222 | 0x00DE |
| NtFilterTokenEx | 223 | 0x00DF |
| NtImpersonateAnonymousToken | 246 | 0x00F6 |
| NtOpenProcessToken | 290 | 0x0122 |
| NtOpenProcessTokenEx | 48 | 0x0030 |
| NtOpenThreadToken | 36 | 0x0024 |
| NtOpenThreadTokenEx | 47 | 0x002F |
| NtQueryInformationToken | 33 | 0x0021 |
| NtQuerySecurityAttributesToken | 339 | 0x0153 |
| NtSetInformationToken | 404 | 0x0194 |
[*] Found 18 syscall(s).
[*] Filter String : "token"
Using -n
) option, you can lookup syscall name by syscall number as follows.
If you want to specifies the syscall number in hex format, should be start with "0x".
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll -n 85
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 470 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll]
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtCreateFile | 85 | 0x0055 |
[*] Found 1 syscall(s).
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll -n 0x55
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 470 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\dev\SyscallSamples\21H1x64\ntdll.dll]
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtCreateFile | 85 | 0x0055 |
[*] Found 1 syscall(s).
If you want to change output format, use -f
) option.
Currently, C/C++ (c
), CSharp (cs
) and Python (py
) are supported:
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll -f c
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : ARM64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 486 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll]
NtAcceptConnectPort = 2,
NtAccessCheck = 0,
NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm = 41,
NtWriteVirtualMemory = 58,
NtYieldExecution = 70
[*] Found 486 syscall(s).
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll -f cs
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : ARM64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 486 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll]
public enum NT_SYSCALLS
NtAcceptConnectPort = 2,
NtAccessCheck = 0,
NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm = 41,
NtWriteVirtualMemory = 58,
NtYieldExecution = 70
[*] Found 486 syscall(s).
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -d C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll -f py
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : ARM64
[*] Image Name : ntdll.dll
[+] Got 486 syscall(s).
[Syscall Table from C:\dev\SyscallSamples\Win11Arm64\ntdll-arm64.dll]
g_NtSyscalls = {
"NtAcceptConnectPort": 2,
"NtAccessCheck": 0,
"NtAccessCheckAndAuditAlarm": 41,
"NtAccessCheckByType": 99,
"NtAccessCheckByTypeAndAuditAlarm": 89,
To take difference between 2 DLL's syscall tables, use -D
) option as follows:
C:\Tools>SyscallDumper.exe -D C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1809x64\win32u.dll C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1903x64\win32u.dll
[>] Trying to take diff.
[*] Old File : C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1809x64\win32u.dll
[*] New File : C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1903x64\win32u.dll
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1809x64\win32u.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1809x64\win32u.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : win32u.dll
[+] Got 1242 syscall(s).
[>] Loading C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1903x64\win32u.dll.
[+] C:\dev\SyscallSamples\1903x64\win32u.dll is loaded successfully.
[*] Architecture : AMD64
[*] Image Name : win32u.dll
[+] Got 1258 syscall(s).
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtDCompositionCreateSharedVisualHandle | 4391 | 0x1127 |
| NtGdiDdDDINetDispStopSessions | 4608 | 0x1200 |
| NtGdiDdDDISetDisplayPrivateDriverFormat | 4664 | 0x1238 |
| NtMITCoreMsgKGetConnectionHandle | 4907 | 0x132B |
| NtMITCoreMsgKSend | 4909 | 0x132D |
| NtMITSynthesizeMouseWheel | 4919 | 0x1337 |
| NtMITWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | 4922 | 0x133A |
| NtUserGetPointerFrameArrivalTimes | 5105 | 0x13F1 |
[*] Deleted 8 syscall(s).
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtDxgkEndTrackedWorkload | 4435 -> 4436 | 0x1153 -> 0x1154 |
| NtDxgkGetAvailableTrackedWorkloadIndex | 4436 -> 4437 | 0x1154 -> 0x1155 |
| NtValidateCompositionSurfaceHandle | 5334 -> 5350 | 0x14D6 -> 0x14E6 |
| NtVisualCaptureBits | 5335 -> 5351 | 0x14D7 -> 0x14E7 |
[*] Modified 623 syscall(s).
| Syscall Name | Number | Number (hex) |
| NtDCompositionCreateSharedResourceHandle | 4391 | 0x1127 |
| NtDxgkDispMgrOperation | 4435 | 0x1153 |
| NtUserSetMagnificationDesktopMagnifierOffsetsDWMUpdated | 5283 | 0x14A3 |
| NtUserSetProcessMousewheelRoutingMode | 5293 | 0x14AD |
[*] Added 24 syscall(s).
The purpose of this project is to investigate how attackers resolve and execute Windows syscall.
All PoCs try to list kernel modules by NtQuerySystemInformation
PoC Name | Description |
PhysicalResolvePoC | This PoC simply resolves the syscall numbers of NtQuerySystemInformation from C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll . |
HellsGatePoC | This PoC resolves the syscall numbers of NtQuerySystemInformation by the Hell's Gate technique. |
HalosGatePoC | This PoC resolves the syscall numbers of NtQuerySystemInformation by the Halo's Gate technique. |
The purpose of this project is to help to learn how in-memory syscall number resolve techniques work:
PoC Name | Description |
HellsGateResolver | This PoC resolves the syscall numbers in ntdll.dll by the Hell's Gate technique. Not works for functions patched with anti-virus products. |
HalosGateResolver | This PoC resolves the syscall numbers in ntdll.dll by the Halo's Gate technique. |
The following figure shows the difference between Hell's Gate and Halo's Gate in anti-virus software installed environment.
Hell's Gate technique does not work for patched NtCreateProcessEx
On the other hand, Halo's Gate technique works for patched NtCreateProcessEx
In this script, following 3 functions are implemented:
: As the name implies, this function resolve loaded module's base address asGetModuleHandle
API. -
: As the name implies, this function resolve export function's address asGetProcAddress
API. -
: This function resolve syscall number with Hell's Gate or Halo's Gate technique.
If you want to resolve module base address such as ntdll.dll
, set the module name as 1st arguments or -ModuleName
PS C:\> Import-Module C:\dev\Get-SyscallNumber.ps1
PS C:\> Get-ModuleHandle ntdll.dll
PS C:\> (140720055189504).ToString("X16")
PS C:\> Get-ModuleHandle -ModuleName kernel32.dll
PS C:\> (140720022028288).ToString("X16")
PS C:\>
To resolve export function address in a module, set base address of the module and export function name for Get-ProcAddress
The base address of the module should be specified with 1st argument or -Module
The export function name should be specified with 2nd argument or -ProcName
option as follows:
PS C:\> $ntdll = Get-ModuleHandle -ModuleName ntdll.dll
PS C:\> Get-ProcAddress $ntdll NtCreateToken
PS C:\> (140720055839008).ToString("X16")
PS C:\> Get-ProcAddress -ProcName ntcreatetoken -Module $ntdll
PS C:\>
If you want to know syscall number, set the syscall name to 1st argument or -SyscallName
option for Get-SyscallNumber
PS C:\> Get-SyscallNumber ntcreateuserprocess
Syscall Number : 0xC8
PS C:\> Get-SyscallNumber -SyscallName ntcreateprocessex
Syscall Number : 0x4D
PS C:\>
Thanks for your research and blog posts:
Paul Laîné (@am0nsec)
smelly__vx (@smelly__vx)
reenz0h (@sektor7net)
Jack Halon (@jack_halon)