Logic Islands

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  1. Download one of the two PDF files COLOR - Print & Play or BLACK & WHITE - Print & Play
  2. Print the pdf
  3. Cut all the things
  4. Playtest, have fun, then provide feedback
  5. Provide feedback

Logic Islands - Rules

Logic Islands is designed to be a fun way to introduce and develop thinking skills in young kids. The flexible game mechanics allow for the game play to become more challenging as your children’s skills develop.

In the Box:

Logic Islands comes with 12 map tiles, 15 action tokens, 3 treasures tokens, and 3 wooden figurines.

Whats In The Box

Object of the Game:

The primary object of the game is to get the wooden figure from the start tile to the pile of treasure on the end tile by passing through a combination of Turns, Jumps and Straight map tiles.


Because Logic Islands is designed to introduce and teach children how to follow logical order and solve problems it’s important to find the right balance of challenge and fun that best fits your child.

1 Pick one of the two end tiles and place a wooden figurine on it.


2 Next, choose as many Turns, Jumps or Straight map tiles that you’d like create a continual path matching each side with connecting paths.

Right and Wrong

3 Finally use the remaining end map tile with treasure tokens on it, to complete the path.

Tip: Using alternative incentives like pieces of cereal,
     chocolate chips can be a fun way to mix up the game.

Simple Path Example:

Simple Setup

Complex Path Example:

Complex Setup

How to Play:

The Jump, Turn and Straight map tile have corresponding action token. Depending on your child’s grasp of right and left turns you may choose to play with the simple universal Turn action token.

How To Play

Note: The start and end tiles don’t have corresponding action
      cards because the player starts on one and ends when
      they reach the other.*

Now that you’ve created your map, the player picks from the available action tokens and lines them up in the order they think the wooden character needs to progress to reach the treasure.

Action Cards

Once they’ve selected all their action tokens, move the wood character according to order of their action tokens.

If the actions don’t match their corresponding map tile tell them that they fell off the island and into the water. Then return them back to the starting map tile and have them change out any action tiles they think didn’t work.

Continue to repeat the process until the character reaches the treasure at the end of the map.

Changing Complexity:

Because the game is designed to very in complexity making it accessible to kids with differing skills of logic, order and direction there are ways to play Logic Islands that will make the game more or less difficult to best match their current skill level.

Map Tiles

The map tiles can be arranged in the most simple designs using a single map tile between the start and end or you can user all the map tiles.

The starting map tile can point in any direction. This means you can create a map that starts on the right and extends to the left. This reversal means that the action tokens will read from left to right but the character will be moving from right to left.

Additionally as you use the corner pieces keep in mind it can be challenging for kids to understand when the character is moving towards them the character needs to take a right turn in order to move to their left. This is really great practice in spacial orientation.

Picking Action Tokens

Simple: The simplest way to pick from the action tokens is to provide a one to one ratio of available action tokens to map tiles in use. I.e. If you have 2 straight, 1 jump and 1 turn map tiles, you layout four matching action tokens to pick from. This helps reduce the complexity of choosing map tiles and focuses solely on ordering.

Complex: The more complex way to pick from the action tokens is to have a one to many ratio where there are more action tokens than there are map tiles. This makes it more challenging for the player to know whether they’ve picked the correct tile combination of actions tokens.

Reverse Roles

You can also reverse roles and have the kids create the map and follow the action tokens you choose. This helps with following directions and reading instructions.

Logic Islands - Portals, Beaches & Action Groups Expansion

The Logic Islands Expansion adds two new map tiles Portals and Beaches along with their corresponding Teleport and Swim action cards.

New Map Tiles

Portals And Beaches

The Beaches and their Swim action tokens work just like Jump and Straight from the core game.

The Portals and their Teleport action tokens allow you to create a map that isn't one continuous Island. The portals come in colored pairs and must be used together. This way as the character moves across the islands they jump from Red Portal to Red Portal, Teal Portal to Teal Portal and Purple Portal to Purple Portal.

Portal Usage

The expansion also includes an additional Straight, Turn and Jump map tile and their accompanying action tokens.

Action Groups

Action groups add a whole new set of challenges to the game designed to reduce redundancy and maximize efficiency. Using the Star, Triangle and Circle Action Groups you can re-use sequences of tiles.

To use the action groups first choose which action group you'd like to use the larger rectangle Green Circle, Blue Star and Purple Triangle action group definition tiles. Then place the sequence of normal action tokens adjacent to it. Use the corresponding smaller square action token to then represent that sequence in your normal action sequence.

Portal Usage

Normally you would solve this combination of map tiles by using the following action tiles.

Portal Usage

The sequence of Straight Straight Jump can be moved to the Blue Star Action Group definition. In your normal sequence any time you would have used Straight Straight Jump you can simply use the Blue Star action token instead.

Portal Usage

Note: You can use one action group inside another
      but beware of creating infinite loops!