🔭 I have set up a Web Hosting Service and Domain Name Registration Start-up as part of my 2021 Achievements. (🏆) www.bentilzone.com
🌱 I’m working on a students resource and MCQ trial web app still in development. This is for all tertiary students.
🌱 I have developed a knowledgebase and Question and answeres community for students (askme.uglearner.com)🎉
🌱 I'm currently learning Mobile App development using React Native from CS50 💫.
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any Projects related to web Applications with technolgies including (JavaScript, PHP) and MySql as database
🤔 I’m looking for help with advancing my Codes.
💬 Ask me about solving problems and building innovative ideas through Tech.
📫 How to reach me: bentilshadrack72@gmail.com, twitter @themanbentil, WhatsApp +233 (0) 55 684 4331
🦾 Computer languages I can speak?,English, Javascript, Typescript, PHP, JAVA, Python, C++ - HTML CSS (cant be counted but...well..yeah)
🌌 Proficiently Skilled in - (Web Application Development) NodeJS, AngularJS, ReactJS, ExpressJS, (Databases) - SQL, MySql.
⚡ Fun facts: Listiening to Musics🎧🎵 & Surfing the internet🌎🌐
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