
NOTE: The project is giving a mix content error due to api live. But it works locally.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Frontend Case Study

  • The purpose of this site is users should be able to buy and sell the player cards they want using their balance on the site. (Within Balance)
  • The user can use the filtering feature while selecting the player cards.
  • The user can view the details of the player cards.


  • Header must be fixed.
  • When the user makes a purchase or sale, the total amount of money he/she has should change (from 100 euros initially).
  • The red indicator belonging to MyCards and Market in the header should change according to the area where the user is scrolling.
  • Clicking on MyCards or Market should go to the corresponding area.

Banner Carousel

  • It should be Infinite slide. The first banner will be returned after the last banner.

My Cards / Market

  • Cards should be filterable with Card Type, Position, Price fields.
  • When the Buy and Sell buttons are clicked, the purchase or sale verification modal should be opened.
  • When clicking on the card, a modal with the details of the card should be opened and a request should be sent to the relevant endpoint for the details.
  • Each page can contain a maximum of 10 player cards.
  • The money owned by the user should change after the purchase and sale.
  • If there is not enough money, the card should not be purchased and the warning modal should become opened.
  • If the card is purchased, the card should be displayed in the MyCards area.
  • If the card is Sold, the card should be displayed in the Marketplace

Card Detail

  • A modal with detailed information about the card .
  • The information will be pulled from the endpoint.
  • You can buy or sell the Card on this screen.


  • The project should be written in React.js or next.js.
  • You can use any library you want.
  • Web design should be done according to the submitted design.
  • It should be a performance application.
  • Accessibility should be given importance.
  • Apart from these improvements, the improvements made according to the knowledge will be evaluated extra.
  • IMPORTANT! Details and design of the project should not be shared anywhere! Repository must be private!.


Get requests

  • API/cards/market
  • API/cards/mycards
  • API/cards/:id
  • API/budget

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