
Use OpenGL to make some projects

Primary LanguageC++



Use OpenGL to make some projects. In the Manual, 'Func' means 'Function', 'Poly' means 'Polygon', 'BG' means 'Background', 'RM' means 'Right Mouse Button', 'LM' means 'Left Mouse Button'.

Project List

  • Project01 : Drawing Toolkit
  • Project02 : A Moving Robot
  • Project03 : Viewing and Projection
  • Project04 : Lighting & Shading
  • Project05 : Texture Mapping, Billboards & Fog Effects

Project01 : Drawing Toolkit

Goal :

The goal of Project01 is to open a window and allow users to draw polygons, lines, curves, or points. The projct UI includes pop-up menus, display, reshape, keyboard, and motion events. What's more, it can let users change attributes by input devices, like keyboard and mouse. EXE File Download URL

Manual :

Key Func Key Func Key Func Key Func Key Func Key Func
1 White 2 Red 3 Green 4 Blue 5 Yellow 6 Purple
7 Cyan W/w Point E/e Line R/r Curve T/t Poly(fill) Y/y Poly(grid)
U/u Eraser Q/q Quit G/g Grid C/c Clear V/v BG Black Y/y BG White
S/s Save L/l Load RM Menu Open LM determine

Result :

Project02 : A Moving Robot

Goal :

Design a robot with a head, a torso, two arms, and two legs. This robot has the ability that swins his arms, walkes around, makes turns, jumps and kneel down, and makes some gestures. EXE File Download URL

Manual :

Result :

Project03 : Viewing and Projection

Goal :

Use the scene and robots of project02, design and implement a program that can change view and different projection, like perspective and orthographical projection. EXE File Download URL

Manual :

Result :

Project04 : Lighting & Shading

Goal :

Add light sources to project03, including parallel light, spot light, and point light. Give different material to floor, obstacles, and robot. Like plastic or metal. EXE File Download URL

Manual :

Result :

Project05 : Texture Mapping, Billboards & Fog Effects

Goal :

Apply texture mapping, add many billboards to enrich the scene, and add foggy effect to generate depth cue in the scene. EXE File Download URL

Manual :

Result :