This is a bot for create and attribute role when user add reaction on emojii. This bot manage role and Embed for add roles.
The language of this bot is
Python 3.9
Don't forget to use commands: pip install -r requirement.txt
to install the necessary dependencies
This bot needs the following permission to work
General Permissions
- Read Message/View Channels
- Manage Events
Text Permissions
- Send Messages
- Manage Messages
- Embed Links
- Add Reactions
Click on this link for invite bot on your server Discord
To get started, just run >help
command on your server for see list of commands.
This command asks you how many role you want to create, asks you for the names to give to the role, and asks you to choose the emoji to assign to the role assignment
You can create only one Embed for manage role user per guild
This command removes the Embed message, and removes the roles you created.
If you have an error you can report your problem here