
This is a mapping of the current Ethereum ecosystem, a taxonomy of projects and products


This repository is dedicated to collect and display resources that contribute to an objective mapping or overview of the Ethereum ecosystem.

Background & Motivations

Sometimes, for both newcomers and seniors of the Ethereum community, it can be hard to keep track of the latest advances, as well as the latest conversations concerning research. At the same time, the community lacks access to a data-driven, objective mapping of the Ethereum ecosystem.

From the ECF's perspective, we wish to build automated or semi-automated tools that provide an objective overview of the state of the ecosystem, so community members can see in what layers, areas or tooling Ethereum is lacking.

For grant managers at the ECF, this overview can be helpful for prioritising research and development in those areas that are essential but less attractive, distribute funding in a balanced manner, and strive for diversity of projects vertically along the stack, and horizontally, in terms of implementations.

Taxonomy (V.0.2)

Taxonomies are an useful way of presenting information in a visual and concise manner. Nonetheless, they are not perfect, as there will always be projects or cases that do not fit limitedly to one layer, as well as others that fit at the same time in more than one layer. For illustration purposes, the following is one of the first iterations of a taxonomy of projects in the ethereum ecosystem.

Note that all the projects mentioned serve as examples only of each layer, by no means are these mentions any kind of endorsement.

Ethercosystem Taxonomy

Table of Contents

  1. How to Contribute?
  2. Hardware
  3. Networking
  4. Consensus
  5. Scaling
  6. Interoperability
  7. Deterministic State Machines
  8. Usability
  9. Development Infrastructure
  10. Development Tooling
  11. Application Specific Protocols
  12. Wallets & Account management
  13. End User Applications
  14. Off-Chain Utilities

How to Contribute?

Should you know of any projects that are not yet listed or suggest a correction, choose one of the following. Depending on the contributions, there best way of proceeding are:

  • Error reporting: GitHub Issue, PRs
  • Listing new project: GitHub Issue, PRs
  • Making suggestions: GitHub Issue
  • Questions: GitHub Issue

Either way, make sure you include the following information:

  • Add a label: error for corrections, new project for additions
  • Assign it to me @awasunyin, if this issue has not been dealt with within 7 natural days And, whenever applicable:
  • Project name
  • Project implementation language
  • Project link to GitHub (must be open-source, if code is not ready, at least some documentation or specifications)
  • Which layer? See taxonomy figure.

Create a Pull Request

Should you want to make the changes directly, make sure you include the additional information:

  • Brief description of what changes have been made and why, you can include more than one label

Editing .csv files directly

Currently, I compile the names of projects and their information in csv files, which you can find under /data/*.csv. After some time, I convert the .csv files into markdown tables and add them to the README.md.

Note: GitHub offers this user-friendly .csv viewer. For changes the .csv, open a PR.


Project Language (if applicable) Link
CPU Miner C++ https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Mining
GPU Miner ? https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/wiki/Mining


Project Language Link
ÐΞVp2p ? https://github.com/ethereum/devp2p/blob/master/discv4.md


Project Language Link
Casper (PoS) ? https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Casper-Proof-of-Stake-compendium
Casper CBC ? -
Sharding ? https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Sharding-introduction-R&D-compendium


Project Language Link
Plasma Cash Python https://github.com/omisego/plasma-cash
FourthState Labs Plasma Go https://github.com/FourthState/plasma-mvp-sidechain
BANKEX JavaScript https://github.com/BankEx
Truebit C++ https://github.com/mrsmkl/truebit-plasma
Voltaire Labs Plasma JavaScript https://github.com/voltairelabs/plasma
Ethereum Plasma JavaScript https://github.com/ethereum-plasma/plasma
Parsec Labs JavaScript https://github.com/parsec-labs/plasma-contracts
Lucidity Plasma Solidity https://github.com/luciditytech/lucidity-plasma
Ethereum Plasma JavaScript https://github.com/ethereum-plasma/plasma
Sharding ? https://github.com/ethereum/wiki/wiki/Sharding-introduction-R&D-compendium
Prysmatic Labs (Geth Sharding) Go https://github.com/prysmaticlabs/geth-sharding
Ethereum Sharding Python/Vyper https://github.com/ethereum/sharding


Project Language Link

Deterministic State Machines

Project Language Link
EVM go https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
py-EVM python https://github.com/pipermerriam/py-evm
EthereumJ java https://github.com/ethereum/ethereumj
SputnikVM rust https://github.com/ethereumproject/sputnikvm
K Framework K framework https://github.com/kframework/evm-semantics
hevm haskell https://github.com/dapphub/hevm
Burrow go https://github.com/hyperledger/burrow
Ethereumjs-VM Javascript https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-vm
sputter clojure https://github.com/nervous-systems/sputter
eWASM kernel Javascript https://github.com/ewasm/ewasm-kernel


Project Language Link
Geth go https://github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum
Parity rust https://github.com/paritytech/parity
cpp-ethereum c++ https://github.com/ethereum/cpp-ethereum
py-evm python https://github.com/ethereum/py-evm
ethereumjs-vm javascript https://github.com/ethereumjs/ethereumjs-vm

Development Infrastructure

Project Link
Etherscan https://etherscan.io/
Infura https://infura.io/
Supermax https://www.supermax.cool/

Development Tooling

Project Language Link
Web3.js Javascript https://github.com/ethereum/web3.js/
Ethers.js Javascript https://github.com/ethers-io/ethers.js/
Truffle Javascript http://truffleframework.com/
Remix IDE ? https://remix.ethereum.org/
0x.js Typescript https://0xproject.com/docs/0xjs
ganache Javascript https://github.com/trufflesuite/ganache-cli
GitPivot Solidity https://github.com/status-im/gitpivot
Solium Linter Javascript https://github.com/duaraghav8/Solium
Solidity Solidity https://github.com/ethereum/solidity
Flint Flint https://github.com/franklinsch/flint
Vyper Vyper/Python https://github.com/ethereum/vyper
Gnarly Typescript https://github.com/XLNT/gnarly

Application Specific Protocols

Project Language Link
0x TypeScript https://github.com/0xProject/0x-monorepo
Livepeer Go https://github.com/livepeer/go-livepeer

Wallets and Account Management

Project Link
MyCrypto https://mycrypto.com/
TrustWallet https://trustwalletapp.com/
Vault https://vault.io/
Balance https://balance.io/

End User Applications

Project Language Link

Off-Chain Utilities

Project Language Link

Frequently Visited Sources