A simple utility to help you pack and manage texture atlases for LibGDX game framework. It's mostly just a visual wrapper over LibGDX TexturePacker classes and provides a convenient way to use it.
This project is a successor of Aurelien Ribon's application with the whole new GUI and features.
See what features are currently planned on project's Trello board
New versions come out as soon as application gets significant new features or important fixes. You can see all available versions from releases page.
All major changes are listed in this file.
Any contribution is highly appreciated. You can help either by making PR or reporting bugs/suggestions by creating new issues. If you have any questions or ideas and you think they don't fit standard GitHub issue format, you always welcome to contact me directly at anton@crashinvaders.com
Also you can participate in translation. It can be done by translating all the strings in bundle.properties and saving copy as bundle_XX.properties, where XX is your language code.
Many years ago Aurelien Ribon wrote a fantastic and very useful tool to manage texture atlases for LibGDX projects. It was very convenient and widely spread among the community. But unfortunately, after some time project has become stagnated and then wasn't maintained anymore. I continued to use last published version (3.2.0) for my every LibGDX project and as far as I've been in touch with it, I had keep coming with ideas of how UX can be improved and some new features as well. And one day I realized that I had already accumulated too much and decided to ask Aurelien if I can continue development of his project. He kindly shared sources on GitHub and gave me white card for any changes. And here I happily started. But after I had reviewed all the code, I've found that it's mostly very outdated (LibGDX 0.9.9) and my ideas hardly fit the current code structure. Then after few weeks of ground breaking refactoring I figured out that it's much easier to write a new project from the scratch and use old one as a general reference. And here we are, with first release (4.0.0) I finally achieved my goal and got flexible codebase ready to grow and expand. And I hope a lot that this is just a beginning!