
To show simple auctioning

Primary LanguageVue

Auction Dapp

Project setup

npm install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Lints and fixes files

npm run lint

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.


  1. Introduction to Smart Contracts and Solidity
  2. Getting Started with MetaMask
  3. Using Remix IDE and Truffle Framework
  4. Introduction to Vue.
  5. Using Web3.js Library.

Tools and Components:

Solidity, Truffle, Remix IDE, VS code, Metamask, Vue-cli, Web3.js and Boostrap-vue.

Building an Auction Dapp for Art works?

The auction system is a broad and sophisicated application to build but for the purpose exercise, I am foucing on showing understanding of Decentralized Applications and writing Smart Contracts.

Work Process flow

  1. Smart Contract Development and Deployment
  2. Frontend development of the App and making Web3.js settings.
  3. Defining the Frontend Code for the contract Methods.

For backend

You create your application with

vue create artauctiondapp
cd artauctiondapp

Initialize Git, Truffle and npm

git init
truffle init
npm init -y

Install Zeppelin Library

npm install -E zeppelin-solidity

You write your smart contract on Remix IDE and compile Then you move the code to your Contract folder in your app folder

At your App folder, you compile and miggrate to a local node which is running. You can use Ganache. Make sure you set the network and compiler configurations right in the truffle-config.js file.

For the Frontend

I am using vue framework for my Frontend and web3 to connect it to the blockchain where my contract was migrated to.

Update npm and install web3 with

npm install
npm install -s web3