
Automatic ajax navigation using html5 push-state

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Version: Alpha

Pushnav is a plugin that automates ajax navigation using html5 push-state.


HTML5 Browser
  • Firefox 4+
  • Chrome 8+
  • Opera 11.5
  • Safari 5.0+
  • Safari iOS 4.3+
HTML4 Browser
  • Internet Explorer 7+


Still Missing:

  • Get back the native anchor behaviour (we disable it to make the plugin works under IE)
  • Write the documentation for the transitions

##Documentation in progress

The documentation is still a work in progress.


Simply download all dependencies (with the right version). You have to add dependencies to your project like this:

<script src="js/libs/jquery-1.7.2.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/libs/jquery.urldecoder.min.js"></script>
<script src="js/libs/jquery.history.min.js"></script>

Pushnav is packaged as a single javascript file which can be loaded either as a script tag in the browser. Simply download the latest stable release from GitHub and add it to your project like this:

<script src="js/pushnav.js"></script>


The general way to setup it is as follows


     // Define the default Ajax refresh target (used when they is no target defined)
     defaultTarget: ".pushnav_defaulttarget"     

To instantiate a link, you just have to add data-ajax-target with the DOM selector (a class or id) as value :

<a href="example/description.html" data-ajax-target="#content">Axafiy link</a>

###$.pushnav.attach A second way to instantiate a link could be like this: ####$.pushnav.attach(selector, event, target, getLink)

Param :

- selector = element selector
- event = jquery event : click, change, focus
- target = container to replace
- getLink (optional) = function to get the destination url : this function must return a url

Like This:

$.pushnav.attach("a", "click", "#content");

For a more customs links url generated by javascript you could also do this: the fourth parameter(optional) is a function receiving the event of the selector and return an url

$.pushnav.attach("a", "click", "#content", function(clickEventFromAnchor){ return $(clickEventFromAnchor.currentTarget).attr("href"); });

With pushnav.attach() we can combine it with transition:



Like this:

.attach("a", "click", "#content")
.transition('', '', adjustMainMenu)
.transition('things', 'home', fromThingsToHome)

Documentation to be complete...

####Plugin's options

Option Default value Description
defaultTarget .pushnav-defaulttarget Define the default Ajax refresh target (used when they is no target defined)
disableNotModern false Lets disable the plugin on browsers that do not support pushstate
debug false Throw debug trace (in the console.log)


Events available

event When it occurs?
state_change.pushnav When the state change (Triggered before we load new content)
content_change.pushnav When the content is loaded with ajax and the content is already affected to the DOM

How to listen

$(window).bind("content_change.pushnav", function(event, params) {
   // Insert your script here


To make the plugin compatible with Internet Explorer, we disabled the native anchor behaviour (the page doesn't scroll to the anchor position).For all anchor href in the current page, we dynamically add this at the end "?isAjax=false&swaptarget=currentpage_url"

If you create dynamically traditionnal anchor tag, you have to add "?isAjax=false&swaptarget=currentpage_url", like this:

<a href="#myAnchor?isAjax=false&swaptarget=currentpage_url">Anchor Link</a>


  • Julie Cardinal
  • Mathieu Sylvain


Licensed under the MIT license.