
Solution to Zuri Flight API task in Node js

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Solution to Zuri Flight API task in Node js

API response format

  • Error
    "status" : "error",
    "data" : {
      "message" : "Error message"
  • Success
    "status" : "success",
    "data" : {
      "message" : "Success message",

API endpoints

  • Add Flight

/addflight (POST)

-Get all Flights

/flights (GET)

-Get Single flight

/flights/:id/ (GET) where id is the flight id(integer)

  • Update Flight

/updateflight/ (PUT)

  • Delete Flight

/deleteflight (DELETE).

API Call Parameters

  • Add flight

title(string, required), price(integer/string, required), date(date, required), time(date, required)

  • Get single Flight

id(integer, required)

  • Update flight

id(integer, required), title(string, optional), price(integer/string, optional), date(date, optional), time(date, optional)

  • Delete flight

id(integer, required)