
Simple assembly X86 game

Primary LanguageAssembly


Simple assembly X86 game

Game Logic (stroy)

at the end of the world every thing is destroied and The survivors was two tanks , they try to destroy each other bacasue every one want to be the only survivor on the earth but ghosts with a super powers apper from no where to destroy them all , they try to defend themselves from ghosts so the start to shot them , this ghost when die give the tank it's super power , now all the tw tanks are fighting to be more powerful and stay alive. every player want


For the first Player:

  • To move up press 'w'.
  • To move down press 's'.
  • To rotate 45 degree cw press 'e'.
  • To rotate 45 degree ccw press 'q'.
  • To fire bullet press space.

For the second Player:

  • To move up press 'i'
  • To move down press'k'
  • To rotate 45 degree cw press 'o'.
  • To rotate 45 degree ccw press 'u'.
  • To fire bullet press enter.