
A to-do exe built with rust that can be operated through CLI and everything you will type in list will get stored in your notepad or desired path

Primary LanguageRust

To-Do List using Rust

How an average human takes care of their routine?

  • By using Notepad!

How an average UI/UX Designer takes care of their routine?

  • By using Notion!

How an average Professor takes care of their routine?

  • By putting routine screenshots as wallpaper!

How an average Developer takes care of their routine?

  • By making an App

How a Nomad Developer takes care of their routine?

  • By making a CLI using Rust


Yes, you heard it right!

Now let's see how you can become a Nomad developer.

Tech Stack


Rust Logo


Open Terminal & Copy the text Below:

git clone https://github.com/EuclidStellar/to_do_rust.git

Check Cargo Version:

cargo --version 

If your terminal is not throwing an error, follow the steps below. Otherwise, your Rust and Cargo are not correctly installed.

This will help you: Rust Installation Guide

Make a txt file, save your To-Do Tasks:

touch tasks.txt 

How to run

Open the cloned folder in VS-Code.

Open Integrated Terminal in VS-Code & Run this to compile and build your code:

cargo build

To-Do Operations

To add:

cargo run add 'Task Description'

To see the list of your tasks:

cargo run list

To remove the completed task using the index of tasks:

cargo run complete 1

For any help, you can prefer:

cargo run help


Add badges from somewhere like: shields.io

MIT License

GPLv3 License

AGPL License


Insert gif or link to demo

🚀 About Me

Gaurav Singh



Contributions are always welcome!