
docker-dind with sshd and docker-compose

Primary LanguageDockerfile

About this Repo

Forked and based on official docker:dind image with an added SSH server.

Common configuration

  • configuring and SSH key using ENV AUTHORIZED_KEYS - you need to have the public key here, not the path to the public key

Docker socket (reuse running docker engine)

  • Mount your local docker socket into the container to /var/run/docker.sock
  • add the COMMAND docker

This will run the image, start the SSHD daemon and let the docker command talk to your host docker engine

Start isolated docker engine

  • use privileged: true when you start the container
  • configuring and the docker client config (/root/.docker/config.json) key using ENV DOCKER_CLIENT_CONFIG_JSON

This way you run a fresh, isolated docker engine inside the container (real dind)

More option

Please see run.sh for the possible options or the official https://hub.docker.com/_/docker/ / https://github.com/danielguerra69/docker-dind-sshd/blob/master/dockerd-entrypoint.sh
for dind options