Start an self contained OpenStack LAB with 1 controller node and 2 compute nodes - all using vagrant in one command. OpenStack is deployed vanilla using Kolla via the deploy box.

Thia wan provider network for floating ips, a management network for the cluster management and node (OVN) interop.

  • We are not using DVR / distributed IPs
  • OVN North-Bridge (gateway node) and (database node) are deployed to the controller


  • openstack: Xena
  • Debian: 11 (bullseye) (controller and nodes)
  • Neutron type: OVN non DVR


  • Installed Virtualbox and Vagrant on your system
  • Installed vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostmanager
  • About 15GB of RAM (10 for the controller and 2 for each node and 1 for the deploy node).
  • If you want to start instances (nested virtualization), for now this does only work with AMD CPUs (virtualbox 6.1.26 as for now). Intel is known to have more issue nested virtualization under VirtualBox, nothing we can do about that right now. Might change in the future. With intel you get a GPT starting issue when booting an instance


git clone https://github.com/EugenMayer/openstack-lab
cd openstack-lab

make start

You should now have a openstack installation with 1 contrroller and 2 compute nodes able to start VMs.

Connect via

The credentials are

  • User: admin
  • Password: run make creds to see the password

Connect to boxes via ssh

vagrant ssh deployer
vagrant ssh controller1
vagrant ssh compute1
vagrant ssh compute2


make clean

Advanced / Internals


And overview of most kolla-ansible docs can be found here

Inventory configuration

You find the inventory configuration in config/ including the group_vars. This folder is mounted via vagrant into /mnt/config/ and then used via kolla-ansible -i /mnt/config

config/mulitnode/ was taken from the original and modified in the top until the marker ############# NO CHANGES BELOW THIS LINE ############### The base multinode is in /multinode_original which is based on master commit 37136478d7530493465d484db06c4b04b3afdd93


eth0 is ignored here since it is a host-only virtualbox network for virtualbox interops. So just ignore that interface.

The common networks are:

  • internal mngmnt: for the management of the cluster / internal communication between controller / compute nodes. This network can be access from the host
  • provider network wan: for the provider floating ips (WAN). We picked that ip range since openstack tutorials pick those too

Deploy has 2 networks:

  1. eth1 as mngmnt (

Controller has 3 networks:

  1. eth1 as mngmnt (
  2. eth2 as wan (

Compute 1/2 have 3 networks:

We have no WAN interface here, since we are NOT using DVR in this setup

  1. eth1 as mngmnt (


  • If the controller has not enough ram, it creates a huge load after the initial deployment. It seems like about 10GB is what it needs

Using the openstack CLI

You can now run the openstack cli by connecting to deploy and run:

$ vagrant ssh deployer
$ sudo -s
$ source /opt/kolla/bin/activate
$ . /etc/kolla/admin-openrc.sh
$ openstack {command}