DISCONTINUED: this plugin has been for no discontinued since it has been replaced with opnsense/core#3277 , also see https://github.com/EugenMayer/opnsense-openvpn-ldap-cso


Yet partial implementation of the OpenVPN plugin in MVC style ( not legacy ) offering API interface to automate things.

Yet it includes

  • CCD / client specific overides CRUD operations

This plugin is NOT transparent to the GUI part of openvpn (legacy) which handles Client Specific Overides. So you want to use the openvpn GUI for CSO or this Web-API. You can use all other GUI aspects though


You should install / use it along the core openvpn "plugin" - consider this plugin as a addition.

On your opnsense box do

setenv openvpn_version 0.0.6
curl -Lo os-openvpn-devel-${openvpn_version}.txz https://github.com/EugenMayer/opnsense-openvpn-plugin/raw/master/dist/os-openvpn-devel-${openvpn_version}.txz
pkg add os-openvpn-devel-${openvpn_version}.txz

Using the API

Enable/install the plugin

Create / Update CCDs

POST on api/openvpn/ccd/setCcd

  "ccd": { 
    "enabled": "1",
    "common_name": "newtests",
    "description": "",
    "tunnel_network": "",
    "tunnel_networkv6": "",
    "local_network": "",
    "local_network6": "",
    "remote_network": "",
    "remote_networkv6": "",
    "push_reset": "0",
    "block": "0"

Creates a new CCD

POST on api/openvpn/ccd/setCcd/<uuid> same pyaload as above, but with uuid - Update

POST on api/openvpn/ccd/setCcdByName same pyaload as above, but with will do an update if the common_name already exists

Delete CCD

POST on api/openvpn/ccd/delCcd/<uuid> -> If the ccd matching the given it will be deleted

POST on api/openvpn/ccd/delCcdByName/<commanName> -> If the ccd matching the given it will be deleted

Get CCD(s)

GET on api/openvpn/ccd/getCcd

  • This will return all ccd entries

GET onapi/openvpn/ccd/getCcd/<uuid>

  • This will return you the ccd matching this uuid

GET on api/openvpn/ccd/getCcdByName/<commonName>

  • This will return a ccd matched by name

Generate all CCDS

POST on api/openvpn/ccd/generateCcds

  • no payload needed, this will regenerate all existing CCDs for all servers and write them on the disk for openvpn to pickup during connections



No magic involved here, fires up a vagrant build on the recent opnsense-build

make start
  1. You see the plugin deployed in the opnsense instance, access it by https://localhost:10443
  2. If you change code, just run make sync_plugin
  3. Its all on you now :)

Stop ( pause )

To stop the vm ( not losing state, continue later )

make stop

Rm ( end, remove all )

To remove the VM

make rm

During development


If you change code of the plugin, run

make sync_plugin