
Filter the fields returned by the Wordpress rest api (v2)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

REST API - Filter Fields

Contributors: svrooij
Donate link: https://svrooij.nl/buy-me-a-beer
Tags: json, rest, api, rest-api
Requires at least: 4.3
Tested up to: 4.4
Stable tag: 1.0.1
License: MIT
License URI: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/svrooij/rest-api-filter-fields/master/LICENSE

Filter the properties returned by the wordpress rest api V2


The wp-rest-api-v2 returns a lot of properties. It could be very useful (or mobile-data-friendly) to only return the properties needed by the application.

If you only want titles and links of some articles it doesn't make sense to return the content or the excerpt.

This isn't limited to posts, it also works on custom posttypes, pages, terms, taxonomies and comments.

Instead of returning:

  "id": 2138,
  "date": "2015-10-25T15:31:03",
  "guid": {
    "rendered": "http://worldofict.nl/?p=2138"
  "modified": "2015-10-25T15:31:03",
  "modified_gmt": "2015-10-25T14:31:03",
  "slug": "rechtenvrije-fotos",
  "type": "post",
  "link": "http://worldofict.nl/tip/2138-rechtenvrije-fotos/",
  "title": {
    "rendered": "Rechtenvrije foto’s"
  "content": {
    "rendered": ".. A lot of content .. "
  "excerpt": {
    "rendered": " .. A lot of content ..."
  "author": 2,
  "featured_image": 2139,
  "comment_status": "open",
  "ping_status": "open",
  "sticky": false,
  "format": "standard",
  //.. even more tags ....

It can return (with fields=id,title,link as GET parameter)

  "id": 2138,
  "link": "http://worldofict.nl/tip/2138-rechtenvrije-fotos/",
  "title": {
    "rendered": "Rechtenvrije foto’s"


  1. If you specify fields so it wouldn't return data the default response is send back to the client.
  2. (for developers) something wrong with this plugin? Github


Installing this plugin is really easy.

  1. Upload rest-api-filter-fields.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

You can also download it through the build-in plugin manager. Then it will be installed in /wp-content/plugins/rest-api-filter-fields/.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does this also work for my custom posttype?

Yes, we picked 20 as priority (default = 10) for activating. This mean this plugin is probably activated last, so all custom post types should already be loaded.

I found a bug, what should I do?

All the bugs/issues are maintained on github.com/svrooij/rest-api-filter-fields so please create an issue (or a pull request with a fix there)



  • Bumped tested wordpress version to 4.4
  • Metadata update (personal website is https only :D)


  • First release of rest-api-filter-fields