
A curated list of awesome GitHub goodies.

MIT LicenseMIT

Awesome GitHub

A curated list of awesome GitHub goodies. Here you can find services/tools/extensions that may improve or complement your open source experience with GitHub.

Everything listed here is either free to use or free for open source projects.

Note: list is currently at it's initial state. Expect more goodies to be added soon. Also, feel free to contribute.

Command line

Cli for GitHub.

Continuous integration (CI)

CI as a service.

Code coverage

Code coverage as a service.

Dependency management

Dependency management/monitoring.

Issue tracking

Issue trackers/taskboards/collaboration tools extending GitHub issues.

Static analysis

Static analysis/automated code review/coding style check as a service.


Other awesome services/tools/extensions.


Miss something in this list? Found a typo? Want to contribute? Send a pull request, discuss here or open a new issue to do this.

Any help is welcomed!