
Play Framework 2 quickstart for OpenShift

Primary LanguageShell

Play Framework 2 application on OpenShift Express

This git repository will help you get up and running quickly with a Play Framework 2 (tested on 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x) application on OpenShift Express taking advantage of the do-it-yourself cartridge.

Note: Since 2.3.x play command line utility has been replaced with activator. This quickstart assumes activator is used, however you still can follow it for 2.2.x and below with few minor exceptions. Here is the list of things you should be aware of when using this quickstart with 2.2.x and below:

  • use play command instead of activator
  • you won't be able to use openshift_deploy convenience script provided in this quickstart
  • when following in "step by step example": use computer-database sample from Play distribution instead of creating project using play-scala-intro template with activator.
  • when deploying computer-database sample: add -DapplyEvolutions.default=true to $PLAY_PARAMS (see: configuration and evolutions for details).



Running on OpenShift

Create a new Play Framework 2 application:

activator new play2demo
cd play2demo

git init
git add .
git commit -m "project import"

Create a diy (do-it-yourself) application:

rhc app create play2demo -t diy-0.1 --no-git -l yourlogin

You will see something like the following:

Application Options
Domain:     yourdomain
Cartridges: diy-0.1
Gear Size:  default
Scaling:    no

Creating application 'play2demo' ... done

  Disclaimer: This is an experimental cartridge that provides a way to try unsupported languages, frameworks, and middleware on OpenShift.

Waiting for your DNS name to be available ... done

Your application 'play2demo' is now available.

  URL:        http://play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/
  SSH to:     your_uuid@play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com
  Git remote: ssh://your_uuid@play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/play2demo.git/

Run 'rhc show-app play2demo' for more details about your app.

Copy and paste the "Git remote" url to add it as a remote repo (replace the uuid part with your own!):

git remote add origin ssh://your_uuid@play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/play2demo.git/
git pull -s recursive -X theirs origin master

And then add this repository as a remote repo named quickstart:

git remote add quickstart -m master git://github.com/EugenyLoy/play2-openshift-quickstart.git
git pull -s recursive -X theirs quickstart master

Then use the stage task to prepare your deployment:

activator clean stage

And add your changes to git's index, commit and push the repo upstream:

git add .
git commit -m "a nice message"
git push origin

That's it, you can now see your application running at:


The first time you do it, it will take quite a few minutes to complete, because git has to upload Play's dependencies, but after that git is smart enough to just upload the differences.

To deploy your changes, you can just repeat the steps from activator clean stage, or use the helper script openshift_deploy.

Working with a mysql database

Just issue:

rhc cartridge add -a play2demo -c mysql-5.5

Don't forget to write down the credentials.

Then uncomment the following lines from your conf/openshift.conf:


You'll also have to include the mysql driver as a dependency. Add the folowing dependency in your build.sbt file:

"mysql" % "mysql-connector-java" % "5.1.34" 

You can manage your new MySQL database by embedding phpmyadmin-4:

rhc cartridge add -a play2demo -c phpmyadmin-4

It's also a good idea to create a different user with limited privileges on the database.

Updating your application

To deploy your changes to OpenShift just run the stage task, add your changes to the index, commit and push:

activator clean stage
git add . -A
git commit -m "a nice message"
git push origin

If you want to do a quick test, you can skip the clean and just run activator stage.

All right, I know you are lazy, just like me. So I added a little script to help you with that, just run:

openshift_deploy "a nice message"

You may leave the message empty and it will add something like "deployed on Thu Mar 29 04:07:30 ART 2012", you can also pass a -q parameter to skip the clean option.


When running on OpenShift, the configuration defined with conf/application.conf will be overriden by conf/openshift.conf. This allows you to configure the way your Play app will be executed while running on OpenShift.

You might want to pass extra arguments to start script that runs Play application. To do this you can define $PLAY_PARAMS environment variable.

For example, to limit java memory usage to 512 MB you can do:

rhc env set PLAY_PARAMS="-mem 512" -a play2demo


To find out what's going on in OpenShift, issue:

rhc tail play2demo

If you feel like investigating further, you can:

rhc app show -a play2demo
play2demo @ http://play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/
  (uuid: youruuid)
  Domain:     yourdomain
  Created:    Nov 26 10:31 PM
  Gears:      1 (defaults to small)
  Git URL:    ssh://youruuid@play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/play2demo.git/
  SSH:        youruuid@play2demo-yourdomain.rhcloud.com
  Deployment: auto (on git push)

  diy-0.1 (Do-It-Yourself 0.1)
    Gears: 1 small

Then you can connect using ssh like this:

ssh youruuid@play-yourdomain.rhcloud.com

A step by step example: deploying "play-scala-intro" sample app to OpenShift

You can add OpenShift support to an already existing Play application.

Let's create intro sample application based on play-scala-intro template:

activator new intro play-scala-intro
cd intro

Then, create git repo and add project:

git init
git add .
git commit -m "project import"

Now, lets create application on OpenShift:

rhc app create -a intro -t diy-0.1 --no-git

We add the --nogit parameter to tell OpenShift to create the remote repo but don't pull it locally. You'll see something like this:

Application Options
Domain:     yourdomain
Cartridges: diy-0.1
Gear Size:  default
Scaling:    no

Creating application 'intro' ... done

  Disclaimer: This is an experimental cartridge that provides a way to try unsupported languages, frameworks, and middleware on OpenShift.

Waiting for your DNS name to be available ... done

Your application 'intro' is now available.

  URL:        http://intro-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/
  SSH to:     youruuid@intro-yourdomain.rhcloud.com
  Git remote: ssh://youruuid@intro-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/intro.git/

Run 'rhc show-app intro' for more details about your app.

Copy and paste the "Git remote" url to add it as a remote repo (replace the uuid part with your own!):

git remote add origin ssh://youruuid@intro-yourdomain.rhcloud.com/~/git/intro.git/
git pull -s recursive -X theirs origin master

That's it, you've just cloned your OpenShift repo, now we will add the quickstart repo:

git remote add quickstart -m master git://github.com/EugenyLoy/play2-openshift-quickstart.git
git pull -s recursive -X theirs quickstart master

Then run the stage task, add your changes to git's index, commit and push the repo upstream (you can also just run the openshift_deploy script):

activator clean stage
git add .
git commit -m "deploying intro application"
git push origin

To see if the push was successful, open another console and check the logs with the following command:

rhc tail intro

Everything should be ok. You can now see intro application running at:


Having a look under the hood

This projects takes advantage of OpenShift's do-it-yourself cartridge to run Play Framework 2 application natively.

Everytime you push changes to OpenShift, the following actions will take place:

  • OpenShift will run the .openshift/action_hooks/stop script to stop the application, in case it's running.

  • Then it will execute .openshift/action_hooks/start to start your application.

Play will then run your app in production mode.

conf/openshift.conf configuration will be used instead of conf/application.conf, $PLAY_PARAMS environment variable will define additional start script arguments.


.openshift/action_hooks/stop tries to kill the RUNNING_PID process, and then checks that the process is dead. If it's still alive, it tries forur more times to kill it nicely. If process still exists it tries another five times to kill it with -SIGKILL.


If you have some ideas on how to improve this quickstart (miss some info, found a typo, have some issues following the instructions) - feel free to send a pull request or open an issue. Any help is welcome!


This quickstart is based on Play Framework 2.0 quickstart by opensas.


This project is distributed under Apache 2 licence.