
Auction system written in ASP.NET Core

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Automatically generated users

Username Password Role
admin@admin.com admin123 Administrator
test1@test.com test123 User
test2@test.com test123 User

Set up Cloudinary (required)

  1. Register a Cloudinary account.
  2. Create a Cloud, API key and API secret.
  3. In the Web/AuctionSystem.Web/appsettings.json configuration file insert the Cloud name, API key and API secret.


"Cloudinary": {
  "CloudName": "AuctionSystemCloud",
  "ApiKey": "488*********516",
  "ApiSecret": "3m7******************KdS"

Set up email functionality (optional)

  1. Register a SendGrid account.
  2. Create an API key.
  3. Insert the API key in the following files:
    • Web/AuctionSystem.Web/appsettings.json
    • Workers/AuctionSystem.Worker.Runner/appsettings.json
  4. If you're using Visual Studio on Windows, set the Workers/AuctionSystem.Worker.Runner/appsettings.json file to be always copied to the /bin directory.
  5. After running the web app, run the worker in the background in order to automatically send emails to winners of auctions


"SendGrid": {
  "ApiKey": "SG.5******************************************************DO-zfRp"

Development Timeline Visualisation