
About Eunit99 (Emmanuel Uchenna)

Hi I'm Ξunit

A passionate and enthusiastic software developer and technical writer.

Eunit99 on Github

About Me

I am Emmanuel Uchenna, freelance chat bot developer | web developer | web designer | frontend developer | graphic designer

I am a seasoned front-end web developer. HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, VueJS, and ReactJS are my web development tools. I am familiar with responsive design techniques, approaching all projects with a mobile-first View, ensuring that what I produce will look great regardless of the type of device it is being viewed on.

I love creating websites and programming. This is all my motivation pushing me to improve my skills in multiple disciplines such as UX design, UI design, and front-end development, I think these are just the titles for companies. For me, it is the path for turning ideas into live applications.

Technologies, Tools, and Languages

Visual Studio Code Github Actions Microsoft Edge

🛠 Tools and Framework

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Databases MongoDB Firebase MySQL
CI/CD & Hosting GitHub Actions AWS Netlify Heroku
CI/CD & Hosting GitHub Actions AWS Netlify Heroku

Connect With Me

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