We're building a naive summarizer that works based off word frequency scoring. We will be utilizing NLTK Python library to build our pipeline. Argparse Python module is used to create a command line program as an entry point to our summarizer.
Python 3.2 or greater must be installed
Virtualenv is a Python library that allows you to create virtual Python environments and avoid isues with shared library versioning. This step is not required but highly reccomended.
$ mkdir Quick_Summarizer && cd Quick_Summarizer
$ virtualenv venv --python=python3.6
$ source venv/bin/activate
pip install nltk
See summarize.py
(venv) $ python summarizer/summarize.py data/Greenland-Melting-Full.txt
Place your custom input text file into the 'data' folder. And make changes in CLI command.
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ python summarizer/summarize.py data/monkeyking.txt