
VTU Microprocessor & Microcontroller Lab programs for 4th sem CSE and ISE students. Subject Code: 15CSL48

Primary LanguageAssemblyMIT LicenseMIT



Binary Search

Design and develop an assembly language program to search a key element 'X' in a list of 'n'16-bit numbers. Adopt Binary search algorithm in your program for searching. https://github.com/Euno257/VTU-Microprocessor-and-Microcontroller-LAB-Programs/blob/master/soft3.asm

Bubble Sort

Design and develop an assembly program to sort a given set of 'n' 16-bit numbers in ascending order. Adopt Bubble Sort algorithm to sort given elements. https://github.com/Euno257/VTU-Microprocessor-and-Microcontroller-LAB-Programs/blob/master/soft4.asm

Check for a Palindrome

Develop an assembly language program to reverse a given string and verify whether it is a palindrome or not. Display the appropriate Message. https://github.com/Euno257/VTU-Microprocessor-and-Microcontroller-LAB-Programs/blob/master/soft2.asm


Develop an assembly language program to compute nCr using recursive procedure. Assume that 'n' and 'r' are non-negative integers. https://github.com/Euno257/VTU-Microprocessor-and-Microcontroller-LAB-Programs/blob/master/soft5.asm

Current Date and Time

Design and develop an assembly language program to read the current time and Date from the system and display it in the standard format on the screen. https://github.com/Euno257/VTU-Microprocessor-and-Microcontroller-LAB-Programs/blob/master/soft1.asm

MASM commands

To edit and execute an Assembly Language Program using masm run following commands.

  • open cmd
  • run cd \
  • then cd masm32
  • Make a new file: edit filename.asm
  • Compile the file: ml/Zi filename.asm
  • Execute the file: debug filename.exe
  • Press g