
PGP-encrypting mail backend for Django

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



Created by blag. Forked from PR #39 and #40 of django-email-extras by Stephen McDonald.


django-secure-mail is a Django reusable app providing a mail backend to send PGP signed and encrypted emails. When configured to send PGP encrypted email, the ability for admin users to manage PGP keys is also provided.



The easiest way to install django-secure-mail is directly from PyPi using pip by running the command below:

$ pip install -U django-secure-mail

Otherwise you can download django-secure-mail and install it directly from source:

$ python setup.py install


Once installed, first add secure_mail to your INSTALLED_APPS setting and run the migrations.

Then set EMAIL_BACKEND in your settings module to 'secure_mail.backends.EncryptingSmtpEmailBackend' or one of the development and testing backends listed in Development and Testing.

And finally, you can optionally configure Sending PGP Signed Email.

Sending PGP Encrypted Email

PGP explanation

Using python-gnupg, two models are defined in secure_mail.models -Key and Address which represent a PGP key and an email address for a successfully imported key. These models exist purely for the sake of importing keys and removing keys for a particular address via the Django Admin.

When adding a key, the key is imported into the key ring on the server and the instance of the Key model is not saved. The email address for the key is also extracted and saved as an Address instance.

The Address model is then used when sending email to check for an existing key to determine whether an email should be encrypted. When an Address is deleted via the Django Admin, the key is removed from the key ring on the server.

Sending PGP Signed Email

Adding a private/public signing keypair is different than importing a public encryption key, since the private key will be stored on the server.

This project ships with a Django management command to generate and export signing keys: email_signing_key.

You first need to set the SECURE_MAIL_SIGNING_KEY_DATA option in your project's settings.py. This is a dictionary that is passed as keyword arguments directly to GPG.gen_key(), so please read and understand all of the available options in their documentation. The default settings are:

    'key_type': "RSA",
    'key_length': 4096,
    'name_real': settings.SITE_NAME,
    'name_comment': "Outgoing email server",
    'name_email': settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL,
    'expire_date': '2y',

You may wish to change the key_type to a signing-only type of key, such as DSA, or the expire date.

Once you are content with the signing key settings, generate a new signing key with the --generate option:

$ python manage.py email_signing_key --generate

To work with specific keys, identify them by their fingerprint

$ python manage.py email_signing_key 7AB59FE794A7AC12EBA87507EF33F601153CFE28

You can print the private key to your terminal/console with:

$ python manage.py email_signing_key 7AB59FE794A7AC12EBA87507EF33F601153CFE28 --print-private-key

And you can upload the public signing key to one or more specified keyservers by passing the key server hostnames with the -k or --keyserver options:

$ python manage.py email_signing_key 7AB59FE794A7AC12EBA87507EF33F601153CFE28 -k keys.ubuntu.com keys.redhat.com -k pgp.mit.edu

You can also perform all tasks with one command:

$ python manage.py email_signing_key --generate --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --print-private-key

Use the --help option to see the complete help text for the command.


There are a few settings you can configure in your project's settings.py module:

  • SECURE_MAIL_USE_GNUPG - Boolean that controls whether the PGP encryption features are used. Defaults to True if SECURE_MAIL_GNUPG_HOME is specified, otherwise False.
  • SECURE_MAIL_GNUPG_HOME - String representing a custom location for the GNUPG keyring.
  • SECURE_MAIL_GNUPG_ENCODING - String representing a gnupg encoding. Defaults to GNUPG latin-1 and could be changed to e.g. utf-8 if needed. Check out python-gnupg docs for more info.
  • SECURE_MAIL_ALWAYS_TRUST_KEYS - Skip key validation and assume that used keys are always fully trusted.
  • SECURE_MAIL_SIGNING_KEY_DATA - A dictionary of key options for generating new signing keys.
  • SECURE_MAIL_KEY_FINGERPRINT - The fingerprint of the key to use when signing outgoing mail, must exist in the configured keyring.

Development and Testing

This package provides a backend mixin if you wish to extend the backend or create a custom backend of your own.


class EncryptingLocmemEmailBackend(EncryptingEmailBackend, LocmemBackend):

In addition to the EncryptingSmtpEmailBackend, backends that mixin every other built-in Django backend are provided. These are:

  • EncryptingConsoleEmailBackend
  • EncryptingLocmemEmailBackend
  • EncryptingFilebasedEmailBackend

Alternative Django Apps

Other Django apps with similar functionality are:

  • django-email-extras -Provides two functions for sending PGP encrypted, multipart emails using Django's template system. Also provides a mail backend that displays HTML mail in the browser during development.
  • django-gnupg-mails -Provides a GnuPGMessage (subclass of Django's EmailMessage) to send PGP/MIME signed email.

Both of those apps require third party app developers to "opt-in" to sending encrypted mail. This project automatically encrypts and signs all outgoing mail for all apps.