
Course materials for the practical on the Defragmentation Training School 2 - Porto, 8-12 May 2023

Primary LanguageShell



This repository provides material and guidance for working with image data stored in OME-Zarr format (and optionally in S3 buckets).

Software installation

Please clone this repository and build the environment using the following command:

mamba env create -f OME-Zarr-Tools/envs/environment.yml

Activate the environment:

mamba activate ome_zarr_env


Most of the demonstrated tools are mainly command line applications. So the commands given in the sections below can be copy-pasted to a terminal window and executed.

Inspection of the remote datasets

Check out what we have at our s3 bucket:

mc tree -d 3 s3/ome-zarr-course/
mc ls s3/ome-zarr-course/data/MFF/
mc ls s3/ome-zarr-course/data/JPEG/
mc ls s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/common/

Check out the multiscales metadata for one of the existing OME-Zarr datasets:

mc cat s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/common/13457537T.zarr/.zattrs

Check out the array metadata for the highest resolution array:

mc cat s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/common/13457537T.zarr/0/.zarray
ome_zarr info https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/common/13457537T.zarr

Creation of OME-Zarr from remote data

The remote datasets can be converted in a parallelised manner by using the batchconvert tool.

First check out what data we have the s3 end:

mc tree -d 2 s3/ome-zarr-course/

Independent conversion of the input files:

The followin command will map each input file in the data/MFF folder to a single OME-Zarr series, which will be located in a specific directory for each user.

batchconvert omezarr -st s3 -dt s3 --drop_series data/MFF data/ZARR/$USER;

Note that the -st s3 option will make sure that the input path is searched for in the s3 bucket, while -dt s3 will trigger the output files to be transferred to the s3 bucket under the output path.

Grouped conversion mode:

Another conversion mode will assume that the input files are part of the same series and thus will merge them along a specific axis during the conversion process.

batchconvert omezarr -st s3 -dt s3 --drop_series --merge_files --concatenation_order t data/JPEG data/ZARR/$USER;

The merge_files flag will ensure the grouped conversion option and the --concatenation_order t option will make sure that the files will be merged along the time channel.

Check what has changed at the s3 end after the conversion:

mc tree -d 2 s3/ome-zarr-course/
mc ls s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/

Copy the converted Zarr data to the home folder

mc mirror s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER ~/data/ZARR;



Visualise the remote data using Napari together with the napari-ome-zarr plugin.

napari --plugin napari-ome-zarr https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/xyzct_8bit__mitosis.ome.zarr

Optional: visualise the local OME-Zarr data:

napari --plugin napari-ome-zarr ~/data/ZARR/xyzct_8bit__mitosis.ome.zarr

Optional: visualise big remote OME-Zarr data:

napari --plugin napari-ome-zarr https://s3.embl.de/i2k-2020/platy-raw.ome.zarr


fiji ; [ Plugins > BigDataViewer > OME-Zarr > Open OME-Zarr from S3...]

Visualise the self-created OME-Zarr: Note that you need to first replace $USER with your user name in the below url. S3 URL: https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/xyzct_8bit__mitosis.ome.zarr

Visualise big remote OME-Zarr data in the same way: S3 URL: https://s3.embl.de/i2k-2020/platy-raw.ome.zarr

Web based viewing options

Please open Google Chrome on the BAND (for some reason this does not work with Firefox on the BAND).

Replace $USER with your user name in the following url and enter it in the Google Chrome's search bar: https://hms-dbmi.github.io/vizarr/?source=https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/xyzct_8bit__mitosis.ome.zarr

Optional: visualise big remote OME-Zarr data https://hms-dbmi.github.io/vizarr/?source=https://s3.embl.de/i2k-2020/platy-raw.ome.zarr

Optional: visualise a single well from an HCS data https://hms-dbmi.github.io/vizarr/?source=https://s3.embl.de/eosc-future/EUOS/testdata.zarr/A/1


We can also segment remotely located OME-Zarr data without explicitly downloading it.

Examine the dataset that is to be segmented:

mc tree -d 2 s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr

Also view the data

napari --plugin napari-ome-zarr https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr;

Segment each channel

We can use the zseg package for segmenting the data via thresholding.

zseg threshold -r -m otsu -c 1 -ch 0 -n otsu-c1-ch0 --colormap viridis ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr;

In this command, the -r flag ensures that the input path is searched at the s3 bucket. The -m option specifies the thresholding algorithm, which in this case is the Otsu algorithm. The c is a coefficient that is multiplied with the found threshold value to get the effective threshold. The -ch species the channel 0 for segmentation. The -n option specifies the name of the label path created. \

Now also segment the other channel:

zseg threshold -r -m otsu -c 1 -ch 1 -n otsu-c1-ch1 --colormap viridis ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr;

Note that the -c argument has been changed.

Have a look at the segmented data

napari --plugin napari-ome-zarr https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr;

It is also possible to apply binary postprocessing to the segmented data.

Apply mathematical morphology

zseg postprocess -r -m binary_opening -f 1,1 -l otsu-c1-ch1 --colormap viridis ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr;

Here the -m specifies the postprocessing method; the -f determines the footprint shape. Depending on the shape of the input data, it can be 2 or 3-dimensional. The -l can be used to decide on the name of the label image, that is subjected to the postprocessing.

Now examine the OME-Zarr data:

mc tree -d 2 s3/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr
ome_zarr info https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr

Also visualise the data:

napari --plugin napari-ome-zarr https://s3.embl.de/ome-zarr-course/data/ZARR/$USER/23052022_D3_0002_positiveCTRL.ome.zarr;