
[SynthText Chinese] Improved code for generating synthetic text images as described in "Synthetic Data for Text Localisation in Natural Images", Ankush Gupta, Andrea Vedaldi, Andrew Zisserman, CVPR 2016.

Primary LanguagePython


Modify from SynthText_Chinese_py3 to generate chinese character.

Setup the env

python -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


The data directory is just the same as here, including:

  • dset.h5: This is a sample h5 file which contains a set of 5 images along with their depth and segmentation information. Note, this is just given as an example; you are encouraged to add more images (along with their depth and segmentation information) to this database for your own use.
  • data/fonts: three sample fonts (add more fonts to this folder and then update fonts/fontlist.txt with their paths).
  • data/newsgroup: Text-source (from the News Group dataset). This can be subsituted with any text file by newsgroup.py or your code. Look inside text_utils.py to see how the text inside this file is used by the renderer.
  • data/models/colors_new.cp: Color-model (foreground/background text color model), learnt from the IIIT-5K word dataset.
  • data/models: Other cPickle files (char_freq.cp: frequency of each character in the text dataset; font_px2pt.cp: conversion from pt to px for various fonts: If you add a new font, make sure that the corresponding model is present in this file, if not you can add it by adapting invert_font_size.py).

The dataset directory, you need to put these files into this folder.

  • dset.h5: You need to genetate the "dset.h5" file by yourself. You must download these files: The 8,000 background images used in the paper, along with their segmentation and depth masks, have been uploaded here: http://www.robots.ox.ac.uk/~vgg/data/scenetext/preproc/ + filename, where, filename can be:

    • imnames.cp [180K]: names of filtered files, i.e., those files which do not contain text
    • bg_img.tar.gz [8.9G]: compressed image files (more than 8000, so only use the filtered ones in imnames.cp)
    • depth.h5 [15G]: depth maps
    • seg.h5 [6.9G]: segmentation maps

    After that, you also have to unzip the "bg_img.tar.gz" to this folder. You only run:

python gen_dset.py

The "gen_dset.py" file can generate 800k images infomation. If you want to generate more images infomation, You can modify the value of i or j. Then you just copy the generated file dset.h5 to the folder data.

At last, you only run:

python gen.py

If You want to visualize these synthtext images,you can run:

python gen.py --viz

This script will generate random scene-text image samples and store them in an h5 file in results/SynthText_800000.h5. If the --viz option is specified, the generated output will be visualized as the script is being run; omit the --viz option to turn-off the visualizations. If you want to visualize the results stored in results/SynthText_800000.h5 later, run:

python visualize_results.py

Note: I do not own the copyright to these images. More detail content,you can consult the https://github.com/ankush-me/SynthText.


  • To generate org_img, run draw_org_img.py
  • To generate render_img & label_txt, run draw_wordBB.py
  • To facilitate subsequent data preprocessing, run rename.py or rename2.py.