Hardening Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Cascades

Official code repository for our publication Hardening Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Cascades, accepted at IJCNN'19. A short blog summarizing the paper can be found here.


  • Adversary gets hold of unlabelled data (not overlapping with target)
  • Make queries to black-box model, use results to create dataset.
  • Using this collected data, train a proxy network.
  • Generate adversarial examples for the trained proxy network.
  • Calculate error rate on the target network, for images generated by the proxy adversarial network.

Attacks present

  • FGSM
  • VAP
  • PGM
  • EAP

Setting it up

  • bash prepare.sh to download required data and models
  • python Code/test_accuracy.py --model_path <target_model> --dataset <dataset> to get test accuracy ,from Code/ folder
  • bash test*.sh <dataset> <target_model> <proxy_model>, where * denotes anoy of the 7 attacks given in the repo ,from the Scripts/ folder
  • For the basic bagging setup, run bash genericBagging.sh <dataset> <path_to_seed_model> <new_folder_for_bag> <path_to_file_containing_order_of_attacks> <transfer_parameters_per_bag?> ,from the Scripts/ folder

For example, bash genericBagging.sh mnist PlainModel MYBAG/ ORDER no

  • For the adaptive bagging setup, run bash adaptiveBagging.sh <dataset> <path_to_seed_model> <new_folder_for_bag> <path_to_file_containing_order_of_attacks> <transfer_parameters_per_bag?> <path_to_proxy_model>

For example, bash adaptiveBagging.sh mnist PlainModel MYBAG/ ORDER no ProxyNormal

  • For testing bagging on your own attack data, run python ../Code/bagging.py --mode test --dataset <dataset> --model_dir <model_bag_directory> --data_x <data_X> --data_y <data_Y> --predict_mode <voting/weighted>

Cite this work

You are encouraged to cite the following paper if you use AMC for academic research.

  author={D. {Vijaykeerthy} and A. {Suri} and S. {Mehta} and P. {Kumaraguru}},
  booktitle={2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN)},
  title={Hardening Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Model Cascades},