- 3
- 1
Please export the `Table` data constructor.
#61 opened by mvaldesdeleon - 10
Crash after playing any midi note on Windows
#58 opened by FilipNest - 2
- 4
Cannot Install Euterpea on Windows
#56 opened by mspandit - 2
- 3
cabal install Euterpea fails with GHC 8.4.2
#27 opened by borgauf - 10 is down.
#53 opened by free-variation - 7
Bringing Euterpea up to date
#54 opened by madjestic - 14
[Installation] error: ‘fail’ is not a (visible) method of class ‘Monad’ on Mac OS Mojave (10.14)
#39 opened by pauloud - 6
Unable to import Euterpea
#46 opened by sbandx - 4
Installation in Arch Linux
#55 opened by ninioArtillero - 3
#50 opened by jwaldmann - 0
drawing the tree structure of a score
#49 opened by jwaldmann - 1
- 6
can't load framework: CoreMIDI
#48 opened by shawn-kern - 1
- 1
Installation fails with ghcup on OS X 10.14
#34 opened by donya - 1
- 1
- 3
- 3
Windows 10 Install fail
#42 opened by ChrLmb - 0
no haddoc on hackage
#41 opened by coot - 5
cabal install fails with ghc 8.8.1 or later
#37 opened by GeorgeCo - 1
Here's how to fix installation with new Cabal
#35 opened by alan-j-hu - 12
- 2
Why Literate Haskell?
#31 opened by FintanH - 2
[Question] Strategy for swing feel
#32 opened by battermann - 3
- 5
cabal install Euterpea fails with GHC 8.6.3
#26 opened by donya - 1
- 8
- 5
Dynamics on single notes
#25 opened by declension - 2
Cannot install with stack
#18 opened by applePrincess - 2
- 5
- 12
Trouble installing
#21 opened by sebsilas - 1
- 1
Please report successful builds for Euterpea 2.0.4
#17 opened by donya - 1
Compatibility problems with Haskell Platform 8.2.1
#15 opened by donya - 1
- 2
Euterpea.Music.Mode should have more modes
#13 opened by nskins - 1
How to build with stack?
#11 opened by glaukon-ariston - 1
Will Not Build on GHC 8 with Hackage Dependencies
#10 opened by donya - 2
reading MIDI to play difficulties
#9 opened by flofehrenbacher - 1
support for SuperCollider
#8 opened by tpltnt - 1
- 1
- 3
- 2
Bump head from 0.6.0 to 1.0.3
#2 opened by jimstutt