
:rainbow:Linux command less, more or cat, output with syntax COLOR! COLL!!! :heart_eyes:

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

colored-less-more-cat Build Status

_______      _                       _    _
(_______)    | |                     | |  | |
_       ___ | | ___   ____ _____  __| |  | | _____  ___  ___    ____   ___   ____ _____
| |     / _ \| |/ _ \ / ___) ___ |/ _  |  | || ___ |/___)/___)  |    \ / _ \ / ___) ___ |
| |____| |_| | | |_| | |   | ____( (_| |  | || ____|___ |___ |  | | | | |_| | |   | ____|
\______)___/ \_)___/|_|   |_____)\____|   \_)_____|___/(___/   |_|_|_|\___/|_|   |_____)




The prefix 'c' means colored!:)

cless file
cmore file
ccat [-bn] file

All above 3 commands are the same with less, more and cat except that the output with syntax color detected by the content! You can type man cat, man less,man more for more info.


Assume that you have pip installed! If not please follow How to install pip

ALSO assume that you are using oh-my-zsh, I recommend you to have a try! How to install oh-my-zsh


Intall Pygments (http://pygments.org)

$ sudo pip install pygments

Then run

$ pygmentize

If you get something NOT LIKE 'command not found: pygmentizea', then congtatulations!


$ git@github.com:KevinOfNeu/colored-less-more-cat.git
$ cp -r colored-less-more-cat ~/.colored-less-more-cat
$ sudo vim ~/.zshrc

Add the following code into your .zshrc file.

  source ~/.colored-less-more-cat/core.sh

Save, open another Terminal tab,type cless .zshrc,cmore .zshrc,ccat .zshrc,FLY HIGH with colored output! Prevoew

##License MIT