Moodsic allows you to create personalized playlist based on your mood, by uploading a photo to your profile.
[Check it out for yourself!](heroku link)
About the App
How to use Moodsic: Start by clicking “Sign Up” on the homepage and creating a user profile.
User Stories:
- Sam has a busy work and personal life and enjoys all types of music. Since he is always on the go he needs a way to be able to open an app and get a list of songs playing without any time wasted. With his love for all genres of music, Moodsic will allow him to quickly select his generated playlist and get back to what he’s doing.
- Derrick likes to call himself a musician and enjoys inspiration. One way he gets his ideas is to listen to new artists. Not knowing what all is out there with Moodsic he will be able to get random categorized playlists for him to enjoy. He is able to select the genre to make it more customized for what type of music he is in the mood for.
- Megan likes social media and the latest apps that allow her to express herself and enjoy life. She likes to upload photos of her daily adventures. With Moodsic she will not only get to upload her favorite photos but have some music to go along with what she is doing. The app will allow her to share with friends and stay connected.
- React
- React Router
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Axios
- Node Express
- Material UI
- Chart.JS
- Spotify API
- Cloudinary API
- Shared app Ideas
- Researched usable APIs
- finalized out selection to Spotify and Cloudinary API
- agreed to use Trello Board
- agreed to use wire framing (Adobe XD)
- We used a trello board to keep track of tasks.
- We used slack a lot to communicate and send alerts for merging, etc.
Jay put a lot of work into getting the Spotify API hooked up to our boilerplate site. He was also able to add on extra features related to Spotify later in our building phase. Kacy created logic for taking the colors from the cloudinary API and generating "moods" that would correspond to songs pulled from Spotify. Eva got the Cloudinary API connected with an upload box component. Genevieve helped with a little bit of everything, especially when it came to writing the React components to tie everything together.
- We tested and debugged throughout the whole process
- Had a bugs section on our trello board so items could be added there