Mock It Up is a mock server for testing purpose. It supports both static and dynamic stubs consist of http request/response.
- Install server
docker pull edentidus/mockitup
- Install client (C#)
Install-Package MockItUp.Client
In microservice architecture, a serviec might denpendent to multiple other services by Restful Http requests. When doing acceptence/integration test, it is very annoying to connect to real downstream services. Trying to decoupe the dependencies, Mock It Up is a mock server to replace the real services.
- Static stub should be registered as spec files before server started.
For details, please refer to Static Stub Wiki.
version: v1 stubs: - request: method: get path: api/orders/{id} response: body: order.json delay: 100 - request: method: put path: api/orders response: statusCode: 201 body: | { "id": 1000, "customerId": "${}" }
- Dynamic stub should be registered within a test scenario. It will be removed automatically when scenario disposed.
For details, please refer to Dynamic Stub Wiki.
using (var scenario = _client.BeginScenario()) { var orderId = 215; // Register a dynamic stub to mock server var regResult = scenario.RegisterDynamicStub(stub => stub.WhenRequest("GET", "api/orders/{id}") .RespondWith(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { id = orderId, title = "this is a test" })) ); // Do your testing against real service var response = await httpClient.GetAsync($"{_orderUrl}/api/orders/{orderId}"); var order = await ReadResponseAsync<dynamic>(response.Content); Assert.Equal(orderId, (int); Assert.Equal("this is a test", (string)order.title); // The stubs in current scenario will be removed in dispose // You can also manually remove any stubs within current scenario by // scenario.RemoveDynamicStubs(regResult.StubID); }
- Both dynamic and static stubs can work together. Mock It Up try to match the dynamic stub, then static. Please run tests synchronously to aviod collision.
- Before running docker containers, don't forget to copy your specs and payloads into container if you want to use static stubs.
- Idealy, running acceptence/integration test requires three containers -- Service, Tests and Mock Server-- working together.
- Run with docker-compose:
docker-compose up --abort-on-container-exit --exit-code-from integrationtest
. - Run in K8S: Include Mock It Up as a sidecar together with api service.
- Run with docker-compose:
When start, Mock It Up reads settings via configuration file. Please ref to config.yml
Property | Required? | Default Value | Notes |
host | required | * | Use 'localhost' in Windows for debugging |
services | required | { *: 5000 } | Add services by key:value (name:port) pair |
controlPort | required for dynamic | 30000 | dynamic only |
specDirectory | required for static | /etc/mockitup.d/specs/ | The url path to spec directory (static only) |
payloadDirectory | optional | /etc/mockitup.d/payloads/ | The url path to payload (definition of response bodies) directory (static only) |