A simple api for getting live data for current vct games. All data is taken from VLR using the unofficial vlr api and is cached to prevent repeated requests going to vlr.
Returnes basic infomation about a game that is currently live. Data refreshes every 30 seconds during a live game and every 2 minuets when a game is not live
team1: 'LOUD',
team2: 'Leviatán',
flag1: 'flag_br',
flag2: 'flag_cl',
score1: '0',
score2: '1',
team1_round_ct: 'N/A',
team1_round_t: '3',
team2_round_ct: '6',
team2_round_t: 'N/A',
map_number: '2',
current_map: 'Icebox',
time_until_match: 'LIVE',
match_event: 'Champions Tour 2024: Americas Stage 2',
match_series: 'Regular Season: Week 3',
unix_timestamp: '2024-07-07 00:35:00',
match_page: 'https://www.vlr.gg/353193/loud-vs-leviat-n-champions-tour-2024-americas-stage-2-w3';
Coming soon. Will show all upcomming games. games can be filterd by event using event paramater and giving it the name of a event as its shown on vlr with spaces replaced with -
. Example: https://vlr.evanc.dev/upcomming?event=Champions-Tour-2024:-Americas-Stage-2
- clone the git repo
git clone https://github.com/Evan-2007/vctApi.git && cd vctApi
- Install the required node modules with
pnpm i
- build the app using
pnpm tsc
- Run the app using
node ./build/index.js
- Go to http://localhost:3000 and you should see a page saying
hello world
- Thats it you should now be able to qurry the endpoints