Python framework for the reverse engineering of Hamiltonian models of quantum systems through machine learning.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Quantum Model Learning Agent

Quantum Model Learning Agent (QMLA) is a machine learning protocol for the characterisation of quantum mechanical systems and devices. It aims to determine the model which best explains observed data from the system under study. It does this by considering a series of candidate models, performing a learning procedure to optimise the performance of those candidates, and then selecting the best candidate. New candidate models can be constructed iteratively, using information gained so far in the procedure, to improve the model approximation.

QMLA can operate on simulated or experimental data, or be incorporated with an online experiment. This document provides details on QMLA’s mechanics, and provides examples of usage. Particular attention is paid to the concept and design of Exploration Strategies (ES), the primary mechanism by which users ought to interact with the software. Custom ES can be developed and plugged into the QMLA framework, in order to target systems, run experiments and generate models according to the user’s requirements. Several aspects of the framework are modular, allowing users to select the combination which suits their requirements, or easily add functionality as needed.

This README briefly introduces the core concepts at a high level; full documentation is available on readthedocs.


Models encapsulate the physics of a system. We generically refer to models because QMLA is indifferent to the formalism employed to describe the system. Usually we mean Hamiltonian models, although QMLA may also be used to learn Lindbladian models.

Models are simply the mathematical objects which can be used to predict the behaviour of a system, uniquely represented by a parameterisation. Each term in a model is really a matrix corresponding to some physical interaction; each such term is assigned a scalar parmeter. The total model is a matrix, which is computed by the sum of the terms multiplied by their parameters. For example, 1-qubit models can be constructed using the Pauli operators σ̂x, σ̂y, σ̂z, e.g. x**y = αxσ̂x + αyσ̂y Then, x**y is completely described by the vector α = (αx, αy) when we know the corresponding terms T⃗ = ( σ̂x, σ̂y ). In general then, models are given by (α⃗) = α⃗ ⋅ T⃗.

In the Hamiltonian (closed) formalism, terms included in the model correspond to interactions between particles in the system. For example, the Ising model Hamiltonian on N sites (spins),  ⊗ N = Ji = 1N − 1σ̂izσ̂i+1z, includes terms σ̂izσ̂i + 1z which are the interactions between nearest neighbour sites (i, i+1).

QMLA reduces assumptions about which interactions are present, for instance by considering models  ⊗ 5 and  ⊗ 8, and determining which model (5 or 8 spins) best describes the observed data. Moreover, QMLA facilitates consideration of all terms independently, e.g. whether the system is better described by a partially connected Ising lattice 1 or a nearest-neighbour connected Ising chain 2:

2 = α1σ̂1zσ̂2z + α2σ̂1zσ̂3z + α1σ̂1zσ̂4z

2 = α1σ̂1zσ̂2z + α2σ̂2zσ̂3z + α3σ̂3zσ̂4z

Then, models exist in a model space, i.e. the space of all valid combinations of the available terms. Any combination of terms is permissible in a given model. QMLA can then be thought of as a search through the model space for the set of terms which produce data that best matches that of the system. Since these terms correspond to the physical interactions affecting the system, the outcome can be thought of as a complete characterisation.

Model Training

Model traning is the process of optimising the parameters α⃗ of a given model against the system’s data. The model which is being learned does not need to be the true model; any model can attempt to describe any data. A A core hypothesis of QMLA is that models which better reflect the true model will produce data more consistent with the system data, when compared against less-physically-similar models.

In principle, any parameter-learning algorithm can fulfil the role of training models in the QMLA framework, but in practice, Quantum Hamiltonian Learning (QHL) is used to perform Bayesian inference on the parameterisation, and hence attempt to find the optimal parameterisation for each model. This is performed using QInfer.

Model Comparison

Two candidate models 1, 2, having undergone model training, can be compared against each other to determine which one better describes the system data. Bayes factors (BF) provide a quantitative measure of the relative strength of the models at producing the data. We take the BF B(1, 2) between two candidate models as evidence that one model is preferable. Evidence is compiled in a series of pairwise comparisons; models are compared with a number of competitors such that the strongest model from a pool can be determined as that which won the highest number of pairwise comparisons.


QMLA is structured over several levels:

  • Models
    • are individual candidates (e.g. Hamiltonians) which attempt to capture the physics of the system.
  • Layers/Branches:
    • models are grouped in layers, which are thought of as branches on exploration trees.
  • Exploration trees
    • are the objects on which the model search takes place: we think of models as leaves on branches of a tree. The model search is then the effort to find the single leaf on the tree which best describes the system. They grow and are pruned according to rules set out in the exploration strategy.
  • Exploration Strategies (ES)
    • are bespoke sets of rules which decide how QMLA ought to proceed ateach step. For example, given the result of training/comparing a previous set of models, the ES determines the next set of candidate models to be considered.
  • Instance:
    • a single implementation of the QMLA protocol, whether to run the entire model search or another subroutine the framework. Within an instance, several exploration trees can grow independently in parallel: we can then think of QMLA as a search for the single best leaf among a forest of trees, each of which corresponds to a unique exploration strategy.
  • Run
    • many instances which pertain to the same problem. QMLA is run independently for a number of instances, allowing for analysis of the algorithm’s performance overall, e.g. that QMLA finds a particular model in 50% of 100 instances.


QMLA automatically performs a series of analyses and produces associated plots. These are stored in a unique folder generated for the run upon launch: this folder is specified by the date and time of the launch and is located, relative to the QMLA main project directory in, e.g., launch/results/Jan_01/12_34.

User Interface

In order to tailor QMLA to a user’s needs, they must design a bespoke Exploration Strategy (ES). That is, the user must write a class building upon and inheriting from the base ES, encompassing all of the logic required to achieve their use case, for example by incorporating a genetic algorithm within the method called upon for constructing new candidates, ExplorationStrategy.generate_models. Then, that class must be available to QMLA’s get_exploration_class() function, by ensuring it is included in one of the import statements in qmla/exploration_strategies/__init__.py. Finally, instruct QMLA to use that ES for a run in the launch script. These steps are laid out in full in the QMLA Tutorial.