
Example of creating a custom button in the touch bar using Expo/Electron

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Example of creating a custom button in the touch bar using Expo/Electron

  • expo init myProject

  • npx @expo/electron-adapter

  • yarn expo-electron customize

  • yarn add react-touchbar-electron

  • Modify electron/main/index.js

+ import { touchBarWrapper } from 'react-touchbar-electron';

function createMainWindow() {
  const browserWindow = new BrowserWindow({ webPreferences: { nodeIntegration: true } });
+  touchBarWrapper(browserWindow);
  • Modify App.js
import React from 'react';
import { Text, View } from 'react-native';
+ import { TouchBarProvider, Button, TouchBar } from 'react-touchbar-electron';

function App() {
  return (
+      <TouchBar>
+        <Button label="expo is cool" onClick={() => {}} />
+      </TouchBar>
      <Text>Open up App.js to start working on your app!</Text>

+ export default () => <TouchBarProvider><App /></TouchBarProvider>