
super fast pbxproj parser written in TypeScript

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project is a work in progress / proof of concept seemingly spec compliant pbxproj parser. The API is subject to breaking changes.

yarn add @bacons/xcode

Website https://xcode-seven.vercel.app/

Here is a diagram of the grammar used for parsing:

Screen Shot 2022-04-25 at 12 39 27 PM


The most popular solution for parsing pbxproj files is a very old package by Cordova called xcode.

But xcode has some major issues:

  • Inaccurate parsing: strings can be quoted incorrectly very often, lists often don't work.
  • Outdated: values for App Clips, iMessage Sticker packs, etc are missing.
  • Untyped: TypeScript is a crutch I proudly support.
  • Slow: PEG.js is not very fast (benchmark).
  • Feature Incomplete: Missing the Data type (<xx xx xx>).

Format Comparison

Consider the following format comparison.

Input .pbxproj

307D28A1123043350040C0FA /* app-icon.png */ = {
  isa = PBXFileReference;
  lastKnownFileType = image.png;
  path = "app-icon.png";
  sourceTree = "<group>";

xcode output (old)

  "307D28A1123043350040C0FA_comment": "app-icon.png",
  "308D052E1370CCF300D202BF": {
    "isa": "PBXFileReference",
    "lastKnownFileType": "image.png",
    "path": "\"app-icon.png\"",
    "sourceTree": "\"<group>\""

That same object would look like this in @bacons/xcode:

@bacons/xcode output (NEW)

  "308D052E1370CCF300D202BF": {
    "isa": "PBXFileReference",
    "lastKnownFileType": "image.png",
    "path": "app-icon.png",
    "sourceTree": "<group>"

Notice how you don't need to strip or reapply quotes, you also don't need to filter out comments because the default visitor ignores comments in favor of regenerating them dynamically like Xcode does.


There's an experimental mutable-graph layer which makes it much easier to work with pbxproj.

import {
} from "@bacons/xcode";

const project = XcodeProject.open("/path/to/project.pbxproj");

// Get all targets:

Create a Swift file:

import { PBXBuildFile, PBXFileReference } from "@bacons/xcode";
import path from "path";

// Get `project` from XcodeProject.

const file = PBXBuildFile.create(project, {
  fileRef: PBXFileReference.create(project, {
    path: "MyFile.swift",
    sourceTree: "<group>",

// The file and fileRef will now be injected in the pbxproj `objects` dict.


  • Unlike the xcode package which uses PEG.js, this implementation uses Chevrotain.
  • This project support the Data type <xx xx xx>.
  • Unopinionated: this could change in the future :] but if it does we'll use modern graph API patterns that are typed.
  • This implementation also appears to be more stable since we follow the best guess pbxproj spec.
  • String parsing is the trickiest part. This package uses a port of the actual CFOldStylePlist parser which is an approach first used at scale by the CocoaPods team (originally credited to Samantha Marshall).


The parsing is very simple (simplicity is the key).

pbxproj is an "old-style plist" (or ASCII Plist), this means it should be possible to represent it as any other static configuration file type like JSON or XML.

We support the following types: Object, Array, Data, String. Notably, we avoid dealing with Integer, Double, Boolean since they appear to not exist in the format.


  • Reading.
  • Writing.
  • Escaping scripts and header search paths.
  • Use a fork of chevrotain -- it's way too large for what it offers.
  • Generating UUIDs.
  • Reference-type API.
  • Build setting parsing.
  • Docs.


Docs are in the works. For now, you can refer to the types and the estimated pbxproj spec.

The API will change in the future, for now we have two methods:

import {
  /** Given a stringified `pbxproj`, return a JSON representation of the object. */
  /** Given a JSON representation of a `pbxproj`, return a `.pbxproj` string that can be parsed by Xcode. */
} from "@bacons/xcode/json";

import fs from "fs";
import path from "path";

const pbxproj = parse(fs.readFileSync("/path/to/project.pbxproj"));

const pbxprojString = build(pbxproj);
  • PBXVariantGroup is a localized PBXGroup.

File Path Resolution

Files will have an attribute sourceTree which indicates how the file path should be resolved.

  • BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR: Paths are relative to the built products directory.
  • DEVELOPER_DIR: Paths are relative to the developer directory.
  • SOURCE_ROOT: Paths are relative to the project.
  • SDKROOT: Paths are relative to the SDK directory.
  • <group>: Paths are relative to the group.
  • <absolute>: Source is an absolute path.

For example, a file object like:

  "isa": "PBXFileReference",
  "name": "AppDelegate.m",
  "path": "multitarget/AppDelegate.m",
  "sourceTree": "<group>"

Indicates that the path "multitarget/AppDelegate.m" is relative to sourceTree "". We need to check the containing PBXGroup's path (only defined when the group is linked to a directory in the file system). Groups can live inside of other groups so this process is recursive.


Certain values loosely map to each other. For instance the top-level objectVersion (which indicates the versioning used for the objects in the top-level objects dictionary), maps to the rootObject -> PBXProject's compatibilityVersion string. Here is an up-to-date mapping (May 2022):

PBXProject.compatibilityVersion XcodeProject.objectVersion
'Xcode 16.0' 70
'Xcode 15.0' 60
'Xcode 14.0' 56
'Xcode 13.0' 55
'Xcode 12.0' 54
'Xcode 11.4' 53
'Xcode 11.0' 52
'Xcode 10.0' 51
'Xcode 9.3' 50
'Xcode 8.0' 48
'Xcode 6.3' 47
'Xcode 3.2' 46
'Xcode 3.1' 45
