
Scripts for GitLab administration to ease the set up of CI pipelines.

Primary LanguageShell

GitLab Scripts

These are just some scripts I wrote to help maintain and set up GitLab CI pipelines.

While this is massively faster than using the UI, it's currently needed because you can not currently delete a GitLab release after it's created

All of the scripts are invoked like this,

GITLAB_HOST="gitlab.foo.bar" GITLAB_TOKEN="mytoken" ./reset-repo.sh <repo>

Alternatively you can set these variables in ./.env

Purge Download Scripts

  • reset-repo.sh which deletes all tags, packages, and GitLab Releases associated with a project (git repository).

This works by calling smaller scripts in purge (which you can target too). There are also multiple smaller scripts for downloading artifacts in ./artifacts.

Artifact Download Scripts

These scripts are located in ./artifacts

  • download-latest-archive-for-job.sh downloads a zip archive. Called with a repo name, a branch name, and a pipeline job to download all of the artifacts in an archive, for example

    # Download all artifacts created by the create_doc_artifacts job on branch main on repo evancarroll/angular-ui
    sh ./artifacts/download-latest-archive-for-job.sh evancarroll/angular-ui main create_doc_artifacts
  • download-latest-file-for-job.sh, download a single file. Called as above, with an additional argument for the name of the file.

    # Same target as above, but this time just download the file `dist/compodoc/json/documentation.json`
    sh ./artifacts/download-latest-file-for-job.sh evancarroll/angular-ui main create_doc_artifacts dist/compodoc/json/documentation.json