
InfluxDB PHP SDK - UDP/IP or HTTP adapters for read and write data

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


  • Master: Build Status
  • Develop: Build Status

Send metrics to InfluxDB and query for any data.

This project support InfluxDB API >= 0.9 - For InfluxDB v0.8 checkout branch 0.3

Supported adapters:

  • HTTP
  • UDP/IP

Install it

Just use composer

  "require": {
    // ...
    "corley/influxdb-sdk": ">=0.4"

Use it

Add new points:

$client->mark("app-search", [
    "key" => "this is my search"

Or use InfluxDB direct messages

    "tags" => [
        "dc" => "eu-west-1",
    "points" => [
            "measurement" => "instance",
            "fields" => [
                "cpu" => 18.12,
                "free" => 712423,

Retrieve existing points:

$results = $client->query('select * from "app-search"');

InfluxDB client adapters

Actually we supports two network adapters

  • UDP/IP - in order to send data via UDP/IP (datagram)
  • HTTP JSON - in order to send/retrieve using HTTP messages (connection oriented)

Using UDP/IP Adapter

In order to use the UDP/IP adapter your must have PHP compiled with the sockets extension.


$options = new Options();
$adapter = new UdpAdapter($options);

$client = new Client($adapter);

Using HTTP Adapters

Actually Guzzle is used as HTTP client library

$http = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();

$options = new Options();
$adapter = new GuzzleAdapter($http, $options);

$client = new Client($adapter);

Create your client with the factory method

Effectively the client creation is not so simple, for that reason you can you the factory method provided with the library.

$options = [
    "adapter" => [
        "name" => "InfluxDB\\Adapter\\GuzzleAdapter",
        "options" => [
            // guzzle options
    "options" => [
        "host" => "my.influx.domain.tld",
        "db" => "mydb",
        "retention_policy" => "myPolicy",
        "tags" => [
            "env" => "prod",
            "app" => "myApp",
$client = \InfluxDB\ClientFactory::create($options);

Of course you can always use a DiC (eg symfony/dependency-injection) or your service manager in order to create a valid client instance.

Query InfluxDB

You can query the time series database using the query method.

$influx->query('select * from "mine"');

You can query the database only if the adapter is queryable (implements QueryableInterface), actually GuzzleAdapter.

The adapter returns the json decoded body of the InfluxDB response, something like:

array(1) {
  'results' =>
  array(1) {
    [0] =>
    array(1) {
      'series' =>
      array(1) {

UDP/IP support

As you know InfluxDB support UDP/IP with a "line protocol", that is a string line, like:

cpu,region=us-west,env=prod,zone=1c cpu=18.12,free=712432 1257894000

In order to simplify the SDK usage, you will use a single method signature for both adapters, UDP/IP and HTTP:

Concise Format

$client->mark("serie-name", [
    "power" => 124.21,
    "voltage" => 12.4,

Extended Format

    "tags" => [
        "region" => "us-west",
        "host" => "serverA",
        "env" => "prod",
        "target" => "servers",
        "zone" => "1c",
    "time" => "2009-11-10T23:00:00Z",
    "points" => [
            "measurement" => "cpu",
            "fields" => [
                "cpu" => 18.12,
                "free" => 712432,

If you want to use the inline protocol directly you have to use the UDP/IP adapter directly

$udp = new UdpAdapter($options);
$udp->write("cpu,region=us-west,host=serverA,env=prod,target=servers,zone=1c cpu=18.12,free=712432 1257894000");

Database operations

You can create, list or destroy databases using dedicated methods

$client->getDatabases(); // list all databases
$client->createDatabase("my.name"); // create a new database with name "my.name"
$client->deleteDatabase("my.name"); // delete an existing database with name "my.name"

Actually only queryable adapters can handle databases (implements the QueryableInterface)

Global tags and retention policy

You can set a set of default tags, that the SDK will add to your metrics:

$options = new Options();
    "env" => "prod",
    "region" => "eu-west-1",

The SDK mark all point adding those tags.

You can set a default retentionPolicy using


In that way the SDK use that policy instead of default policy.


Simple benchmarks executed on a Sony Vaio T13 (SVT1311C5E)


The impact using UDP/IP or HTTP adapters

    Method Name                Iterations    Average Time      Ops/second
    ------------------------  ------------  --------------    -------------
    sendDataUsingHttpAdapter: [1,000     ] [0.0167509446144] [59.69813]
    sendDataUsingUdpAdapter : [1,000     ] [0.0000905156136] [11,047.81773]

Message to inline protocol conversion

As you know the SDK will provide a single interface in order to send data to InfluxDB (concise or expanded).

The impact of message to inline protocol conversion is:

    Method Name                                            Iterations    Average Time      Ops/second
    ----------------------------------------------------  ------------  --------------    -------------
    convertMessageToInlineProtocolWithNoTags            : [10,000    ] [0.0000237422466] [42,119.01324]
    convertMessageToInlineProtocolWithGlobalTags        : [10,000    ] [0.0000306700468] [32,605.10185]
    convertMessageToInlineProtocolWithDifferentTagLevels: [10,000    ] [0.0000343942404] [29,074.63543]


Add sockets support to your PHP

To verify if you have the sockets extension just issue a:

php -m | grep sockets

If you don't have the sockets extension, you can proceed in two ways:

  • Recompile your PHP whith the --enable-sockets flag
  • Or just compile the sockets extension extracting it from the PHP source.
  1. Download the source relative to the PHP version that you on from here
  2. Enter in the ext/sockets directory
  3. Issue a phpize && ./configure && make -j && sudo make install
  4. Add extension=sockets.so to your php.ini